Am I Suffering from Depression?
My problem is that my parents keep telling me that I should
get in shape. Right now I'm 127 pounds and my hips in inches are 38.My
waist is 31 and when I was growing up I was pretty athletic. Also I'm
just wondering how I can get in shape? That's one problem but there's
another. I had an abortion 2months ago and 4 of my friends have died and
I don't know what to do. I was going to commit suicide like about 5
times already. Am I suffering from depression? I have nightmares and I
can't go out anywhere with my friends.What is wrong with me?
If you really wanna get in shape , you gotto get in shape physically
and mentally ... first , let me tell you that death isn't gonna solve
anything , and besides you are still young ,and you are not suffering
any kind of serious problems ,why death? why kill yourdelf? You friends
have died ,i know thats hard and sad ,but this is life ,we can't let
others get on us too easily , its ok to be sad for about a few days ,
but you have to get a grip of yourself ,and get on with your life . You
are suffering from depression , and i suggest professoinal help , talk
to your parents and tell them about your probelm , they will understand
,and they may help you the most than others do ... I dunno why your
friends died from , but my guess is suicide? If it is , why not learn
their mistakes Agnes , see how many people are grieved over their death
, their parents heart broken ,do you really want anyone you love so much
as your parents to be so broken ,so grieve?
Agnes , think about the good side of life , life can be so full , and
its not meaningless at all .Have you ever thought of the sick people in
the hospital ,dyng from serious sicknesses ,and how they wish they could
live? And you , are a healthy ,strong girl and wanna throw your life
away like that?? Suicide is not the key to solve probelms , probelms can
only be solved if you FACE than and SOLVE them.Think about it agnes ,
there are lovely things in this world ,and you haven't even explored it
Ok, enough of mentally , now physically . Wel... its simple really ,
get the right food ,and get thr right exercise . Food , well , its ok to
eat to alot of food , fastings are not numero -uno weight loss
programmes ,you may get real real sick from fasting .Eat lots of food
,make sure you are full ,but mind , eat more vegetables ,fruits
,wheat,bread,rice,and skim milk .Meat can be eaten also , but cut out
the fat .Eat least oil ,fried chicken ,chips ,junkfood ,soda ,and maybe
too much sugar (a little will do) .Exercise..hmm... well , you can jog
every day for 20 minutes ,and do some jumps and streches at night before
bed ,everyday .On weekends ,you have more time , so go to the park and
take an hour long walk ,or if you like to stay at home ,do some macerena
exercise and do lots of streches ,but don't get to much ,may break your
back (j/k) ,you can also cycle around the neighbourhood ,clean air and
green trees are the key to health .Exercise everyday at least for 30
minutes , if less than that ,you may not get results .Start from 10
minutes or so ,then after 2 days 20 minutes ,after another 2 days ,40
minutes ,another.... keep adding time ,but its ok to work at most an
hour each day ,too much may be tiring.Do different exercises each week
,check out some health books and learn more exercise methods .Good luck
swee shean
This is very common among people your age. Your parents are trying to encourage you to lose weight but obviously they are discouraging you! You can exercise and cut out all fats. Also, make sure you eat well balanced meals each day and don't deprive yourself of nutrients. Talk to your parents about these nightmares, your friends, and your abortion. If it is hard talking to your parents about such issues, then talk to a trusted adult that you feel comfortable with. Here is the number for the Youth Crisis Hotline and maybe you could get some insight from them: 800-448-4663 I wish you the best of luck.
Modern Teen Advisor,-
Prob #1 Just start a regular routine like walking around the track,
doing sit ups, or enroll in a gym and get n shape there. Plus watch
wahat you eat (somewhat)
Prob #2 It appears that you are going through a depression. My opinion
is to get advice from someone like a school counselor. If the prob is
really bad, you may want to see a psycholoigst/psychiatrist-Dustin