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Girlfriend/Boyfriend Titles

I sent in another question a few days ago about me liking this girl in summer school but i wasn't sure if she liked me... anywayz, I took your advice and I asked her out to the movies. Now I don't know how to make the relationship stronger. I've never had a REAL girlfriend before, so I'm new at this. I don't even know if we are officialy BF/GF. How and when will I know? Do I ask if she wants to BF/GF? When do I know when it's ok to "fool around" (kissing etc..)? Will she give any signs that its ok to start. I think I'm her first BF too. PLEASE HELP!!!
I consider the terms boyfriend/girlfriend as a title. That's really all they are---titles! There really is no standard time in a relationship when two people come to the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. I think you are more worried about having a label than spending time with a person who is cool and you like to hang out with. After thinking of this girl in the way I just described, you will develop a closer link together which could maybe be labeled as a "boyfriend/girlfriend relationship." I wouldn't ask if she wants a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship just yet, anyway, instead keep hanging out w/ her and see what happens. When you decide it is the right time to kiss her, she might give you signals or she might expect you to make the first move blankly. If you think the time is right, carry it through and try to kiss her. Chances are that she will be a bit surprised if this is her first kiss...but once the moment is in sink, it will be wonderful for the both of you. If you think she wants you to kiss her, you try, and she pulls away, it's nothing lost...just respect her wishes, ask her what the matter is, and talk it over. Good luck. Modern Teen Advisor,- Em
