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Older Guy=Pressure!

I kinda like this 19 year old guy,and im 13/f! and now it turns out he likes me ALOT!!!!! and i heard that other girl friends of his were kind of forced into having sex with him! and then, on june 29th he is having a party and i really wanna go to meet all his freaky friends!!!! and they are gonna get high and drunk...and i might,too! but im afraid he will rape me or do sumthin' without me knowing...but i like himalot too and now toorrow we might get hooked-up! (kiss) and im afraid if i ATLEAST kiss him,he will think im giving in or giving him a hint or sumthin' .....and everyone is pressuring me into going out with him and i almost said yes!!! but i just said '' i will think about it''.... what shoud i do ?!?!?!? please help???
ADVISOR REPLIES: Yikes! Getting wasted and doing the deed is sooo dangerous, and it's not worthy. You could get pushed into unprotective sex, or pregnancy! Who knows, this guy might have a STD! A guy who pushes girls into having sex is nothing but a wannabe rapist. Anyways, isn't 13 a little young to be having sex? You gotta understand that he's 6 years older than you, and he's a legal citizen now. You're still a minor to be drinking, and smokin' crap. Meeting his 'freaky friends?' They might be freakier than you thought, and you might want out, but they won't let you go.... I say to ditch the party, and have fun with your girl-friends for the's gonna be safer, legal, and funner than going to a party with a guy you're not even going out with and who's 6 years older than you, getting wasted, and going to bed!!! If this guys' forcing your friends to have sex with him, he's nothing but a user with a twisted mind. But if you think he's the RIGHT guy-which I really think he's not- go for it...and remember, always use protection!ALL THE BEST-stef You should DEFINATELY say no way to doing anything with this guy. Do you realize that this guy could be arrested for even kissing you???!!! Also, if you go to this guy's party and drink alcohol and do drugs, he could also be arrested!!!!!! Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with doing. I hope you make the right decision of not getting involved with this dude. Modern Teen Advisor,- Em
