Getting Tatooed
I am getting a tatoo really really soon on my wrist. I need to know everything about tatoos.
Can i get aids or any disease even if they change the needle?
I know its gonna really hurt but i can't get that through my head but no matter what im getting the damn tatoo.
Getting tatooed is VERY dangerous at your age. I'm very suprised that your parents or guardians are allowing you to do this because in order to have any body piercings or tatoos, you have to have them sign for it. You can get AIDS and a whole slew of viruses in the event of getting tatooed or pierced. A lot of tatooing places do not use sterile needles to cut down on the cost of supplies! I think your health is way more important than some tatoo that you might look at in 30 years and ask yourself why you would get some teenage design mutilation! Are you sure you are even going to be able to stand the pain the that comes with tatooing???---THEY ARE DEALING W/ A NEEDLE!---Think twice about this situation and I hope you make the right decision! Keep yourself and your body real!
Modern Teen Advisor,-