"It's called mixed emotions, Dodger." said Mr. I.B. as he opened the door to let the infectious boyfriend out in front of "La Casa de Pero" the Italian restaurant. As soon as the car drove away the infectious boyfriend vaporized.
The next morning he sat on the porch railing until the I.B. family was awake. The infectious boyfriend spread peanut butter on the screen door for breakfast. The family thanked him. The girl kissed him on the cheek. Around noon the infectious boyfriend suddenly clutched his chest and dropped to his knees. "Oh, my septum!" He cried.
The ambulence flew across the bridge and into the yard. Dr. Jons felt for the boy's pulse. "I'm afraid we've lost him, Mr. and Mrs. I.B." he said in a solumn voice.
"That was cool..." said the girl, "Now pick me up by my feet!" The Doctor obeyed. The infectious boyfriends ashes were spread in front of "La Casa de Pero".
Salted Fig-Nuts? Don't mind if I do, no sir, don't mind if I do!
Written by: Zakkos
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