The Simpletons

"The Miracle Of Sound In Motion" CD

First off I'd like to say that Unshared Worldwide has got it all together. They sent me posters, bio sheet, lyrics, contact info, everything. They sent me all I asked for and more! Anyway The SIMPLETONS are a three piece band out of Pinellas, Florida. They play moderately paced Punk Rock "N" Roll (kind of pop-punk) with some fast stuff (which I like the best!!) and even a very small amount of ska(For all you rude boys and girls out there!). I really liked this a lot. The CD contained 17 tracks (Some Studio and Some Live!)totaling around 45 minutes. All the songs are recorded well. If I had to compare the SIMPLETONS to another band I'd have to say SCREECHING WEASEL or THE RAMONES. They have TALENTand that's not something all bands have!!! I suggest you write them and pick this up!!

Thw Simpletons Web Site

E-mail The Simpletons

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Punkguy Productions

(c) 1998