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Andrew Vachss is a lawyer in New York City. A fighter for
the children of family abuse and author of some of
the best work we have ever read. The "Burke" series
is interesting look into the mind of a "street investigator"
who has a soft spot for kids as well.
If your like street crime, the Burke series is for you.
You can visit Mr. Vachss'
The Zero
to get more information about his work and writeings.

come down to The Zero


Makeing your own web page? Then go to the
Web Site Garage.
They'll give your site a seven point inspection
and even give you some helpfull hints on how to
spiff up your page! And it's free!

Web Site Garage


...Then when your done there, you can go to
Add Me!
to advertise your web page on over
30 different search engines!
Yes this one is free too!

Add Me!


If you have a business web page you can also
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Link Star, another freebie!

The Home of Robert A. Phillips, Jr., Ph.D.'s Internet Search


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