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Section One: Generations



We have always had a problem with too many elder vampires in Rhydin. In our effort to change this, many things have been considered, and many surveys have been sent in. The final generation rules are as follows:


*All players are allowed *one* 6th generation, and *one* 7th generation character, if created before December 20, 1997.


If that character is destroyed, no further 6th, or 7th generation character will be permitted. Once the 20th passes, no new 6th or 7th generation character will be

registered, OR accepted.

In addition, no characters below 6th generation will be accepted by those who play by the guidelines.


*New Characters:

All new characters must either start at 8th generation or above, or be sired online. Characters sired online receive their generation as normal.

All sires will need to register their new childer with the web page manager


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