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Section Four



Thaumaturgy is a very broad Discipline, encompassing not only basic Blood Magic but also Arcane Paths and elaborate Rituals. The rudimentary Blood Magic that is now considered Thaumaturgy is an ancient art dating back long before the Tremere. In addition there are a collection of rituals and Arcane Paths that are also ancient and are widely known throughout Magic Circles and thus can be accessed by

nonTremere Cainites. In other words, nonTremere can only use the Thaumaturgy in VtM book - pages 168-171 with some exceptions.


Thaumaturgy also has a wide array of powers known only to select groups that have developed them... these groups jealously guard their secrets. In an attempt to preserve the different arcane dominions of Thaumaturgy it's imperative that the Rituals and Paths developed by certain groups remain within those groups. Here are the expanded guidelines for Thaumaturgy:


Camarilla NonTremere - Basic Thaum + any Thaum detailed in a specific PC's clanbook (this means a Camarilla Gangrel can have basic thaum + any thaum found in the Gangrel CB)


Camarilla Tremere - Any Thaum found in the VtM, VPG, Tremere Clanbook, and the Gift of Morpheus from the PGS.


Sabbat NonTremere (except Tzimisce) - Basic Thaum + any Thaum detailed in a specific PC's clanbook (this means a Lasombra can have basic thaum + any thaum found in the Lasombra CB)


Tzimisce - Basic Thaum, the Thaum in the Tzimisce Clanbook, and the Gift of Morpheus Path in the PGS.


Sabbat Tremere - All Thaum from the VtM, VPG, PGS, Tremere Clanbook, and Diablerie Mexico.


Nagaraja - Basic Thaum, Spirit Path in the VPG, any Thaum from the DSotBH.


Caitiff - Basic Thaum only


Setites - Basic Thaum and Path of Corruption + any Thaum in the Setite Clanbook.

~Any Thaum found in any City sourcebooks is available only to Tremere (Camarilla and Sabbat).


Dark Thaumaturgy

In accordance with WW's own advice Dark Thaumaturgy will not be accepted from any PC, even an Infernal Tremere. It is entirely too powerful and meant to be possessed by NPC Antagonists. Also see below, Section Five: Infernals, Abominations, and Fomori.


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