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Saddest Day was a band formed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, that had a short but deeply meaningful (to us) existence, that taught us to cry, smile, dream, fight, enjoy, live life to its fullest, help us comprehend a little bit more about who we really are and what we really want, and that was what brought us to an end in January of 1999. In a time when we were (and still are) full of confusion and anger and nonconformity and despair and hope and sadness and joy, it gave us the chance to pour them all out, create a forum for our ideas and discussions, and a way to reach out to other people, to involve them in a big part of our lives. We wanted the world. We wanted a revolution. And one of the reasons we broke up is because we have learned not to be content with less. We wanted to revolutionize ourselves, our relations to the world and to each other. We wanted to change radically the conventional way a “band” works, the way we write, compose, and perform, as well as the creative interactions among ourselves and others. Because, above all, we're not celebrities in a band, playing on a stage for our fans. The aspect of a "band" is the least important thing in the concept that is Saddest Day. Saddest Day is merely the way we speak, the shape given to our expression, to our lyrics, to our feelings and ideas, to ourselves. Saddest Day is a band based on discussing and understanding life and the world around us, and trying to improve ourselves and the way we relate to it. We recognize it's a very broad concept, but we feel it's one of the main points in our lives today. And precisely because of all the limitations that Saddest Day brought us, we had to leave it behind and search for something that would allow us to get a little closer to our "revolution."
This is a huge part of our life. Welcome in. We hope you'll be able to find something here that stimulates you, provokes you, motivates you, pisses you off, or anything else you can take from it. Because, if you can't, then we're better off dead. Saddest Day is now dead, but we are not. Thank you.

The Internet, technology and us
We believe 99% of the Internet is useless crap to keep you online, sitting at home, in front of a screen, brain numbed from all the advertisement and cheap entertainment, while big businesses have a good laugh. We believe it's just another aspect of the culture that teaches us to be eternal spectators, spending most of our time indoors with little real human interaction (assuming that chat rooms AREN'T real human interaction), having our wants and needs in the hands of Microsoft and Yahoo!, being bombed on all sides with massive doses of advertisement.
However, the Internet can also connect people who otherwise wouldn't have contact with each other, and information becomes easier and faster to be shared by everyone. And, even though nothing beats a handwritten letter, the ugly and somewhat impersonal e-mail becomes a cheap and fast way for people to get in touch with each other, especially overseas.
So, even though we believe technology steals a part of our humanity, we are using the Internet, with extremely limited web publishing notions, to post this website in an attempt to reach out to people who otherwise would be unreachable. Hey, it's free anyway.

Boy, do we hate being called emo...