"Sometimes I Wake up Crying at Night
and Sometimes I Scream Out Your Name"

...that's from a Dixie Chick's song, "You Were Mine." ...I got talked into downloading it at 2am last night. It's growing on me.

I basically spent last night doing absolutely nothing and loving it. Erin was in here typing a paper from about 10 until 2 (the paper was due at 8:15) ...and I was loving it. I'm not sure what happened, but something shifted in my brain after 12:30 or so, and I started talking. (and I got giggly, but that's a different story.) I don't mean I was talking about anything important, but I was just talking. and then Sara (the only one without an H) came in and I still kept talking. (very weird. I'm not comfortable around her at all, I don't know why.)

basically, I think I was just really tired. (too tired to keep holding all those walls up.) ...and Sara was high and Erin had just been studying way too long... so we got silly fast. We downloaded songs and made fun of the pictures in People... and basically we were just silly. Which is a very strange thing for me. I can be a lot of things, but silly isn't generally one of them.

I didn't get into bed until after three, I'm sure I wasn't asleep until well past four. And I was so good, I even got up for my 9:30 class. (which is more than I can say for half the other people... it was raining this morning, I guess a lot of people just gave in and turned the alarm off.)


Thursday it was really warm here. I wore overalls and a hooded sweatshirt and my Doc Martens and I felt more normal than I have in ages.

I hate clothes. I have fewer clothes than anybody else I know just because I can't stand shopping for them. Of what I do have, I don't wear most of them. I have about five outfits on steady rotation. I guarantee I will never win any fashion awards. But still, I have decided there are two articles of clothing every girl needs:

First, a hooded sweatshirt. The secret is it can't be sweatshirt material on the inside, it has to be thermal lined. It's best if it's grey, but blue or green work too. And it has to be baggy, and it's much better if you leave it unzipped. The thing with the hooded sweatshirt, though, is that it pretty much has to be spring-like weather for it to work. It helps if the ground is really muddy and if there's a slightly cool breeze.

Second, and most importantly- boots. Doc Martens are best, but they're not as good if you can't get them on clearance, so some other stompy boots will do. The trick is they have to be stompy with big toes and huge soles. It helps if they're blue, but other colors probably work too. It doesn't have to be spring to wear the boots... the boots actually probably work best at night. For some reason, wearing really stompy boots makes you more confident. (Or at least it makes me more confident.)

...if you wear both a hooded sweatshirt and blue doc martens on a spring day... I can almost guarantee you'll feel like playing in the mud.

Well, maybe.

The other day here there was a volleyball tournament outside and the court is just dirt normally, but on the day of the tournament it was a mud puddle. It wasn't even just mud, there was about an inch of sitting water on top of it. And about five people were in a room upstairs looking out the window when one of them said something like "look at the mud they're playing in! They're nuts!" and, being the person I am, I said something about it being more fun to play in the mud... and they all stared at me. It never occured to me that I would be the only person who liked to play in the mud! I never met anybody who didn't like to play in the mud before I came here, and apparently I'm the only one here. Maybe that's something most people grow out of or maybe it's just something you learn to love when you live surrounded by mud at the best time of the year. (The time when the snow is all melting and the crocuses are starting to pop up and the creek is going the fastest and every time you step in the grass you make a little puddle with your footprint.)

Okay, that completely got lost to the point that I can't remember where it started.

It's a sure sign that the girl who only got four hours of sleep last night and has been up since 8am (it's after midnight now) should definitely go to bed.

But before I do:

On the door:
All three pieces of paper that were there last time plus a new one that says:
I love your happy Valentine message!!! Love is like getting hit with a piano from a four story window! Yes!!

Explanation: the first part- I'd mentioned to them before that I'm terrible at alphabetical order. They didn't believe me. So last night I was searching for a "Dixie Chicks" song in a huge alphabetically organized kinda list... and I was in the G's before it occured to me I missed it. It might not've occured to me then, except for the fact that Sara was looking over my shoulder and told me. So Erin made the sign. The second part refers to my computer wallpaper... I made a graphic of the lyrics:
Love is a Piano
Dropped from a Four-Story Window
And you were in the Wrong Place
At the Wrong Time

(ani, two little girls)
...and I called it my valentine's day tribute. They told me I'm just too peppy and they're going to start calling me Wednesday from the Addams family.

On the Dry Erase Board:

At the bottom is a little box where I wrote "Note to self: Self, do laundry" Erin found that amusing, and at the top she wrote a box that says "Note to Sarah: Sarah, you frighten me." and an arrow pointing to the other box. She also wrote "What the FaQ?" and the word "shoelace" with an arrow pointing at the string that my marker is tied to. And Sara drew a little flower.

And that's all.