December 15, 1998

I'm actually trying a slightly different design. Incredible, isn't it. :-) I should really do something knew about the design of the journal index page, but I just have no time and no inspiration. Maybe during vacation. The problem is I can't think of what I want it to look like, and that makes it hard. If I could come up with a good design, then I could most likely figure out how to do it, but it just hasn't happened yet. I think I need to teach myself java. Maybe that would give me an inspiration. I had a slight inspiration when I went here and saw the whole new Microsoft Agent thingy. I'm sure I could figure that out eventually, but I don't think enough people have the software yet. And I'm sure nobody with netscape could see it. Maybe I'll just download paint shop pro again (that thing keeps expiring on me!) and fiddle around with it until I come up with a graphic that inspires me.

Or maybe I'll do nothing at all.

I got flowers from my parents today. :-) I was so excited. They're really pretty. It's a Christmas Candy Cane bouquet and it's really pretty. I never realized how expensive flowers were before I went looking for a link for those flowers. It was so much fun to get them, though. :-)

I had my Spanish final today. It was awful. He didn't let us use our dictionaries for the first time, and he didn't warn us that we couldn't use our dictionaries so I didn't really study. And there were all kinds of things on there that I didn't know anyway. So I don't know how I did in that class.

I don't have any finals tomorrow... I figure I'll probably spend most of the day studying. I have my political analysis final on Thursday and Gender Politics on Friday. I'm going home Friday afternoon. :-) I decided that this computer is coming with me when I go home so I will be able to update while I'm there. I probably would be able to on the old one anyway, but you never know. I'm not looking forward to going home as much as I thought I would be. I thought I would be way more than ready to get out of here... but I'm not really. It's not that I don't want to go home... I'm just not looking forward to going home as much as most of the people here are. I don't know why. I think maybe it's because I'm not looking forward to the semester being over as much as they are. I mean, I am looking forward to it being over... just not to the same degree. And now that classes are actually over and I only have two finals left, it's actually calmed down enough here so that I have time to be on my own. Before I was going crazy studying and working all the time nonstop... Now I actually have time to do more of what I want to do.

I've been watching a lot of tv lately. I went basically all semester watching only Buffy, Felicity, and ER, and only when they weren't reruns. Now I'm basically watching MSNBC every chance I get (they're the only channel that does nothing but the impeachment debate... and that's all I want to hear. Except today when I wanted to hear how the Puerto Rico vote turned out. But once they said that on Headline News I went back to MSNBC.) ...and I've even been watching tv late at night right before I go to bed. I actually turned my tv around so I can watch it while I'm lying down getting ready to go to sleep. I think I can sort of understand now why the one girl across the hall felt she had to take her TV home with her for our 5 day Thanksgiving break. I never had a TV in my room before I came here (except for a couple months one time where I had one that only had a VCR- no cable and I couldn't see it from my bed) ...and once I came here I never watched TV (except for when I was sick. I was really sick. I'm sure I wrote about that in here somewhere.), though, I think I'm understanding more how you could get addicted to having the tv put you to sleep. I'm also realizing I'm never going to let my kids have a TV in their room... you'd never read, if you grew up with your own tv. The girl across the hall who took her tv home- she doesn't read (and admits it) and she has the worst writing skills of anyone I've ever met in my entire life.

ummm... I think I had more to write, but it just left me. I'm going to bed.
