July 16, 1998

My first post-license day:

I got two new Ani bootlegs in the mail. (VERY exciting!) ...when my dad got home, we ordered subs from the corner, and I drove down and got them. Then after we ate I drove myself to the doctors office to have a nurse look at my TB test. That was cool. It sounds like such a grown-up thing to me. Driving yourself to the doctor. Especially because I went all by myself. It was weird, being at a doctor's office and not having my mom there for reference. It went well, though. I don't have TB and I got my physical form back to send to my college, so they'll let me live there next semester. :-)

Then I drove home, and went around asking if anybody wanted to go anywhere, or if they needed anything. It took me a while, but I finally got a taker- Rene wanted to go rent Good Will Hunting (And that gives me somewhere to drive tomorrow, too! I get to take it back! :-) ) The only problem- we got caught in this mini-traffic jam kinda thing. (well, it was a big traffic jam for around here, but nothing for most places. Therefore it was "mini" in sarahspeak :-) ) So I was running kind of late getting her back, and I had to hurry down to the college for my economics class. And here is the best part- My economics class let out early. But instead of calling my parents and then standing around feeling like an idiot for 20 minutes, I pulled out my keys, got in the car, and drove myself home. You have no idea how incredibly awesome that was!!! Around here, there is no form of public transportation, not counting taxis (which won't always go out as far as I live anyway) so if you want to go somewhere you can drive, or walk or bike or something, but from my house it would probably be a five hour bike ride to the college. You really can't be independent without a car. And it was just so terrific, to be able to drive myself home like that.

The other awesome thing about having a driver's license: I can listen to Ani DiFranco while I'm driving! Nobody else likes her too much, so I never listened to her in the car before today.

I love having a driver's license. :-) It occured to me on the way home today, that I could take a different turn, get on the freeway, and just drive, and it would probably be days before they found me, if they ever did... It's nice to know that I'm capable of doing that, even though I never will.

That's all for now. :-) I'm really happy, and journal thoughts just don't flow on happy days. :-)
