Who We Are
SATUURDAY is an organization dedicated to making communities safer for gay/ lesbian/bisexual/transgendered youth and their allies. Created by the Metro District Youth Adult Committee,
SATUURDAY's original concept was as a continental youth empowerment conference designed
for YRUUers and representatives from GLBT youth organizations. For those not acquainted
with YRUU it stands for Young Religious Unitarian Universalist. To find out more about
YRUU and Unitarian Universalism visit the UUA web page.
For two years the committee struggled to make this conference happen. Finally in July
of 98' in Princeton, NJ we had an amazing, inspiring and just rock'in conference. It
wasn't perfect, but it was just beautiful. We created a warm , welcoming and safe community,
where the divisions dissolved. Because there were no boundaries of a defined sexuality, we
were able to honestly discuss the issues at hand with out being condescending or
belittling the "other side".
We are now working on the second annual SATUURDAY conference. The conference will be held July 12-16, 2000 at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego in San Diego, California. More inforamtion to come.
Our Goals
To help build a warm, welcoming and safe communities
Nurture and inspire youth led activism
Foster leadership with the purpose of making communities safer for gay/lesbian /bisexual/ transgendered youth and their straight allies
Explore the history of GLBT activism
Celebrate diversity!
E mail us!
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