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Referee’s Information


The basis behind the plot is that the people at Hextris have discovered that there is a spy in their midst. They failed to discover who he worked for but had their suspicions considering how relations are between them and Cheractin in the run up to the new Scout contract. They decided to spring an elaborate trap on Cheractin. This trap involved luring some spies to Hextris to catch them out. The lure is a ship of unusual configuration drifting in a system that they knew was under the control of Cheractin. They hoped that this would provoke Cheractin to send people to infiltrate Hextris.

All staff were briefed not to talk to the spies, though most were not told why this was, about the main project of the base. It was decided that they would be given minimal security clearance, and a watch kept on the terminals on their level for evidence of hacking. They would also Search all their belongings an their ship for any evidence of Cheractin involvement. Once this was done they would send them off to a "holding pen" in the form of an old mining out post until they could get the Imperial Navy to extradite them.

The holding pen was decided on because nowhere in the base could be made secure enough and getting them out of the base meant that they could get on with deadlines. There is the added bonus that they might die in the attempt to escape. (It is entirely up to you how the authorities might view this).

Hextris Base

Hextris base is a secret research facility owned by Dundar Corp.. It is situated in the Hextris system, some 2 parsecs beyond the Imperial frontier.

The aim of the base is to research into the possibility of increased jump ratings of drives by using aerated couplings to increase the flow velocity of the Hydrogen and the power output of the Lanthanum grid. The research base has been open for eleven years but has only been devoted to "the Hextrix Experiment" for four years.

The 63 permanent staff are on six month shifts, returning home for three before active service resumes. There are no "non-active" staff on the base, such as families or partners. These staff are:

CommanderJantus Pitcher (31) :77ABB7(9)
Sensor Ops-1
Vacc Suit-1
Pitcher is a no nonsense man. He regards himself as honest and fair but takes no messing from no-one. Slightly edgy and an almost feral look to him. He is almost always dressed in scout fatigues, about 5’9" tall and wiry thin but very athletic. He is a leader by action rather than by order and has the respect of the rest of the staff.

Flight CommanderTiharen Nera(34) : 5559C5(8)
Sensor Ops-1
Fast Talk-3
Nera is a bureaucrat. It’s a position of power and he likes it. As far as he’s concerned if he wants something done it gets priority, and he doesn’t it doesn’t get done. The man who does all the day to day logistical running of the base making up for what he sees as Pitcher’s negligence. He is a small man with a silly moustache (and a Welsh accent) who is incredibly irritating and abrasive, constantly picking faults in people.

MedicDr. Sinclair Ronas(30) : 7A8BC5(A)
Medical -4
Leader -2
Music -2
Writing -2
Fast Talk -2
The Doc. is a fun man, constantly bouncing around and whistling to himself. He is a very good doctor and so long as no-one calls this into question he will get on with most people. Seeing the chief programmer.
Medical StaffPhis Keme :787BC7(9)
Nala Rane
Medical -2
A group of quiet young women.

BedellusMarie Enriqué :57A754(7)
WhateverA wizened old man, no-one is ever able to understand a word he says in heavily accented Galanglic. He is always whistling and any tune heard by other people will stay in their head all day. He takes jokes about the femininity of his name very badly.
Catering StaffKena Marl :7A8995(9)
Venn Ola
WhateverA cheerful crew always singing to themselves off key, dancing and generally not concentrating on what they’re doing (often whilst using sharp objects).
Cleaning StaffClas Autho :777553(6)
Rami Manema
WhateverMiserable old people of indeterminate sex that never acknowledge anyone’s presence unless they stand on a freshly cleaned surface. In this case they get shouted at indecipherably.

Chief ProgrammerSandrine Makesh(26) :777CC7(9)
Computer -4
J-o-T -2
Physics -1
Performance -1
A bubbly little character, always enthusing about something and making little things out of whatever junk is lying about. She is seeing the doctor
Dept. Chf. ProgrammerWalace Silinite :777BA7(9)
ProgrammersLysto Ran :777BA7
Senti Senta
Computer -3
Physics -1
Bunch of young men and women who either love or hate the job. Regardless of this they all hold themselves in very high opinion

Technical CommanderTomasi Ciçesh(30) :799BC7(A)
Physics -3
Engineering -3
Interview -1
Electronics -2
Mechanical -2
A small black man who spends all his time rushing round doing things. If encountered he will talk quickly in technobabble and then rush off.
Chf. ScientistActin Olite :797BB6(A)
ScientistsPhane Glauco :797BB6(A)
Horna Blende
WhateverMostly quiet business like white suits. Usually seen with notes or a piece of scientific equipment.
Chf. EngineerLan Rumá(30) :7AAC95(B)
Engineering -3
Electronics -3
Physics -1
Grav Veh. -2
Geology -1
A chimp of a man, always covered in some grime or other and hurrying off with a chunk of something or other.
MinersClaw Itoid :99B775(8)
Kao Lin
Geology -2
Heavy Weapons-1
ATV -2
Always spotless (from working in vacc suits) and usually wearing shorts and vest. They will usually look drained and exhausted. More to be seen wandering about than to have a conversation with.
EngineersTam Stewart :8A9976(9)
Rabbie Clegg
Engineering -3
Electronics -3
Physics -1
An unruly bunch of people, always showering sparks everywhere and similar such stunts. They’re put up with because they’re good at what they do. Will often be seen playing noxxball in the hangar (make up what this involves). Will be pleased to talk to the team, especially if it means they get to do no work for a while.

Dept. Flight Cmdr.Susan Marimer(26) :7AAB97(A)
Pilot -3
Grav Veh. -2
ATV -1
Rifleman -3
Pistol -2
Brawling -1
A woman of average build with the mentality of a fighter pilot. She is always in flight fatigues with jangly bits shouting "Brutal!" or "Bouyaka!" as emphasis and rapping her hands off over head surfaces like a slam dunk.
PilotsTara Heelan :7AAB96(A)
Otan Guray
Pilot -3
Grav Veh. -3
ATV -3
Jet Aircraft -2
Full of bravado (at least that’s what they call it), and very like Susan in character.
SecurityWilo MacKie :AAA886(9)
Tana Rash
Rifle -3
Pistol -3
SMG -3
Small Blade -3
Large Blade -3
Brawling -3
Tactics -3
Gun bunnies. Former marines, stuffed suits but without the suits. Clinical but itching for a fight, and will give the team a hard time to try and provoke them. They will shoot to kill if the whim/need arises.
Numbers in brackets at the end of the UPP are a Perception attribute, used for noticing things etc.

Authors Note

What’s here is a scenario that I wrote, there may well be things that are wrong, inconsistent or just not to your taste. Feel free to change/add/remove things at will.
There are also parts that are designed to be spun out or ignored depending on how fast they’re going/how coherent you feel.

Have fun

Andrew "Shan"

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