DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY, REDCOM 22 NAVAL HOSPITAL BREMERTON DET T, UIC 83750 UNIT MISSION: To provide trained and qualified SELRES to augment the Active Duty at NH Bremerton, in time of war or national emergency, and support Navy Medicine activities from Fleet Hospitals and Hospital Ships. PLAN OF THE MONTH: OCTOBER, 1999 CONTAINS BOTH OFFICIAL AND UNOFFICIAL MATTERS. ALL HANDS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND COMPLYING WITH THE CONTENTS. Located on the Web at Officer in Charge CAPT L. M. Dunn, NC Assistant OIC CDR M.J. Lyons, NC Training Officer LCDR R.F. Culverhouse, NC Assistant Training Officer LT M. Frausto, MSC Admin. Officer LCDR H. Stone, NC LCPO HMC P. Schenck Training Petty Officer HM1 R. Butynski Reserve Center MDR HM2 S. Falvey Reserve Center Fax Number 408-294-5951 UNIFORM OF THE DAY: Prescribed Alternate OFFICER/CPO’S MALE/FEMALE Summer Whites Summer Whites/Khaki MALE E-6 & BELOW Summer Whites Summer Whites FEMALE E-6 & BELOW Summer Whites Summer Whites *Note: Winter Uniform change will occur on OCT 4th DRILL SITES: N&MCRC SAN JOSE 1st Weekend 3rd Weekend DATES: OCT 1999 02-03 16-17 *Winter Blues Projected Drill Dates: 1st Weekend 3rd Weekend NOV 1999 06-07 20-21 DEC 1999 04-05 18-19 Rescheduled Drills MEMBER DATE FROM DATE TO DRILL SITE ASSIGNMENT…… LCDR Brady 02/03 OCT 16/17 OCT SJ RESCEN Leadership Conf. HM2 Greco 02/03 OCT 16/17 OCT SJ RESCEN Med. Support./ CPR HM3 McLachlan 03 OCT 17 OCT SJ RESCEN CPR HM3 Gomez 02/03 OCT 16/17 OCT Off Site Marine Support HN Pearce 03 OCT 17 OCT SJ RESCEN CPR SN Sabedra 03 OCT 17 OCT SJ RESCEN CPR General Information · DOD Stickers – All vehicles must have a DOD sticker to park inside the Reserve Center’s Gates. The lot parking spaces inside the gates will be on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. DOD stickers are available at Onizuka AFB, Travis AFB, or Coast Guard Island. · PSD – is no longer at Moffett Field, Service Records and all other PSD functions are now being held in rm #104 of the Reserve Center. Note: Local AT/ADT and all IDTT travel claim processing has been moved to PSD Monterey. · Officer Photos – A photo lab will be open on Saturday (10/02) at NMCRC Alameda. To schedule an appointment call Petty Officer Crouch @ 510-814-2605. Note: The lab will only be available in October and is being staffed by a volunteer Retiree. · Uniforms – The winter uniform change will occur on OCT 4. If you are drilling the 3rd weekend you must wear the winter uniform. Advancement Examinations Complete all test prerequisites by January and start studying now, the next exam will be in February. Physical Exam Support at the Coast Guard Clinic 02 OCT - LCDR Langford, HM1 Butynski, SN Sabedra 16 OCT - CDR Moldanado, LCDR Langford Recall information Everyone is required to have current and accurate information on the Unit’s Recall Bill. Phone numbers must be yours so you can be contacted directly and quickly. PRT Congratulations to everyone who participated in the last PRT cycle. Job well done! Monthly PRT will resume on Saturday @ 1530-1630. Bring your gear! Annual Training You many submit an application now for FY2000. Dates to keep in mind are 8-19 MAY 2000. NH Bremerton will be performing a Fleet Hospital Training Evolution and will need Reservists to provide services for Navy Hospital Bremerton. GMT Zero tolerance for drug abuse. Drug abuse is incompatible with Navy Core Values and will not be tolerated. Zero tolerance has been, and remains, the cornerstone of Navy's Drug Policy. The The Navy's ongoing commitment to eliminating drug abuse is making a difference, but our work is not finished. Continued success of our efforts to date requires active support and involvement of all hands. Ultimately, each Sailor makes a personal decision on whether or not to use drugs; But, if they do so, they knowingly commit misconduct, jeopardize safety of their ship and shipmates, and will be appropriately disciplined and processed for administrative separation. CAPT. L. M. Dunn