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This interview will be featured in issue #4 of the Ghoul 'Zine, scheduled to be out early '99

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Interview By Andy
With Sherwood Webber, Vox

Andy: Hey hows it going ? Could you tell us a bit about what Skinless is about ? The basic message the band tries to get across to people ?
Whats up, Messages in the music are for gay hardcore bands with moral agendas. I feel Death Metal, Grind, Black Metal, etc. relates to a more primal side of its listeners. With this style of music its not necessary to try to force feed fans with a narrow minded view. I guess if Skinless did have a message it would definately be "Shut the fuck up and Bang your head !!"

Andy: Could you fill me in on the story / idea behind the song "Milk & Innards" ? Im also curious about "Scum Cookie" & "Tampon Lollipops".
"Milk and Innards" is about a normal day on the farm thats gone awry and turned into a bloody mess. "Scumm Cookie" is a great game every band should play. And "Tampon Lollipops" is a real life chronicle on Noahs (guitar / vox) time spent as a janitor

Andy: The samples on the new disc are great !! Especially the one from "Tampon Lollipops" were is that and the others from ? And why the change of the original samples ?
I'd rather not say where the sample for "Tampon..." came from, out of the fear of being sued. The other samples were found by members of Skinless and our good friend John Lavigne

Andy: Which pervert comes up with the lyrics ? Whats the lyrical influence, where do you guys come up with some of these ideas ?
Previously lyrics were a group effort. I have written lyrics for the two newest songs. They are basically a reflection of my Nihilistic outlook on the pathetic Sexually Transmitted Disease we call humanity.

Andy: The band has progressed somewhat from a Death Core type sound to more straight forward Death Grind. Was this the result of dumping off certain other members ? Will the band continue on in this style ?
We've been falsely labeled as a "Death Core" because of the atmosphere in smAlbany, NY . We play with hardcore bands and all of a sudden we are "Death Core". Long gone previous members may have provoked the label of "Death Core". Skinless is a unique Death / Grind band, the only thing hardcore about us is HARDCORE PORN !! and HARDCORE DRINKING !!!

Skinless Band Andy: After a few member changes here and there do you think this line up is more stable then the others ? How did you come about getting in the band ? Have you been in any bands before Skinless ?
This line up is Skinless at its best. We now have four dedicated, focused on one goal,... Driving the final nail into the coffin of humanity. Noah and I began writing music in '93. Before Skinless I had two or three other bands.

Andy: Im not sure if or when this will happen (or if it already has) but with Pulverizer Records going out of business have there been any offers from other labels ?
I don't know what the story is with Pulverizer. We had other inquireies from other labels. Right now we are just going with the flow.

Andy: Whats up in the future for Skinless ? Have you began writing new material ? Any lyrical ideas ?
Right now we are writing and playing a lot. I have a ton of lyrical ideas in a little book just waiting for songs.

Andy: Are there any chances of Skinless doing the Milwaukee Metal Fest is '99 ? Or any of the other major Metal Fest like Michigan or Ohio ??
We intend to play the Milwaukee Metalfest in '99. Right now we're booking shows everywhere, playing in other cities is definately one of the main advantages to being in a band.

Andy: Do you think that maybe at church services they should the church goers beef jerky as the body of christ instead of stale bread ?
Fuck beef jerky !!, Churches should substitute the eucharist with human Dump ! and force feed it to the congregationlike the sheep they are !!

Andy: So what are you listening to now a days ? Any bands in particular ? I hear your into Black Metal ? Its nice to know that there are others from the area into this style of music.
Currently Dimmu Borgir, Mass Psychosis, Assuck, and Cryptopsyare all in heavy rotation. I'm very picky about black metal. I favor the more bassy, bottom heavy stuff. as opposed to the real high end stuff.Although I have an appreciation for every note of music I've ever heard.

Andy: While we're on the topic of Black Metal,...Would you care to tell us about your side band Goatmass ? Are you happy with Goatmass or do you believe there is room for improvement or change ?
Goatmass is NOT Black Metal !! Goatmass is my excuse to get real burnt and play blast beats. Goatmass is fun, whatever it is, it is. There is no pressure in Goatmass. We have no agenda or obligation to anything. It is a vent for all in the band. Look for a 30 min. 1 song CD in late fall of '98.

Andy: Ok, before I end this would you like to throw in a plug for Skinless merchandise ? And how the readers can get their filthy cum coated hands on your stuff ?
We currently have T's and hooded sweatshirts. "Progression Towards Evil" CD's can be ordered through the band for $11.00 (U.S.) / $13.00 (World). T-shirts are full colored with designs on the front and back and can be ordered through the band for $12.00 (U.S.) / $14.00 (World).

Andy: Alright thanks for taking the time for the interview, and I'll end here, any last words, comments, your preffered choice of toilet paper ?
Send any kind of porn or fanmail with a stamp to the following addressand automatically be inducted in the Skinless fan club. Members receive stickers and a complete merchandise price list and other Skinless garbage. I always wipe my ass with a page from the latest copy of the Ghoul 'Zine. Thanks !....

c/o Noah Carpenter
P.O. Box 829
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 - 0829

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