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This is a page with all sites I got my pictures from. I also included some sites for anyone that is interested to take a look at. They are sites of places I have been to and something I am interested in.

Other Links

Angelfire grahpics: suns and book
Barry's Clip Art Server: all the rest except sunflowers
Simple GIFs: the cross and rising earth
Cedar Point: US's largest amsuement park, cool roller coasters!
Foundations in America Sign Language: the picture of linking hands
Animation Gallery: the blooming sunflower, rose, welcomeleaf, & ferret pix
Jelly Belly Beans Page: a lot of info. on jelly beans
The Little House on the Prairie Home Page: a lot of info. on LHP
Sunflower pix: viewed on museum links page
Sunflower pix: viewed on friends/others page
Sunflower return button:
Sunflower Title: viewed at top on Sunflwr Links page
Van Gogh's sunflwr painting: viewed on Sunflwr Links page
Sunflwr painting: viewed on Myself page
Plateu: viewed on Sci for kids page
Backgrounds: viewed on different pages
ASL Background: viewed on Deaf Links page
Earth/Fish Background: viewed on Geolgoy/Christian Links page