Wish List
This is just a little wish list- things I want to put on my page that I'm either to lazy to do or am incapable of doing (probably closer to the former). I would really appreciate it if someone would like to do any of this for me- of course you would get full credit and I would be eternally grateful! E-mail me with the info or just to let me know you're interested.
My Wish List
- A monthly almanac
- Dates of this years Sabbats and Full Moons
- An article on how to use planetary hours
- Times of sunrises and sunsets for the year
- Planetary hours chart
- A list of herbs that can be found at the supermarket and their uses, a la the Supermarket Sorceress
- Recipies for herbal teas
- Recipies for healing teas, simples, and potions
- A Poetry Page (send me your poetry and I'll post it)
- Anything else anyone would like to contribute
Email: lenore1499@aol.com