What do they Mean?
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Flower Bar
What do they mean?
Flower Bar
I'm sure we have all received a flower from someone? Or given someone a flower? Have you ever wondered what that flower meant? I've searched the net and compiled a list of flowers and there meanings below..


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Acacia: Friendship; Chaste Love; Beauty in retirement
Acacia(pink): Grace
Acacia(rose or white): Elegance; Friendship
Acacia(yellow): Secret love
Achillea: War
Adder’s-tongue: Jealousy
Adonis: Sad memories
Agrimony: Gratitude
Allspice: Compassion
Almond(common): Imprudence; Indiscretion; Perfidy
Almond(flowering): Concealed love; Misplaced devotion; Religious superstition
Althaea or Alcea: I am deeply in love; Consumed by love
Alyssum(sweet): Excellence beyond beauty
Amaranth: Immortality; Pretension; Piety
Amaryllis: Splendid Beauty; Timid; Proud
Ambrosia: Love returned; Your love is reciprocated
Anemone: Expectation; Forsaken; Loneliness; Fading hope; Symbol of Love
Angelica: Inspiration; Magic
Anthriscus(Chervil): Sincerity
Apocynum(common Dogbane): Falsehood; Figment; I doubt you
Apple Blossoms: Hope; Temptation
Arborvitae: I never change; Unchanging friendship
Arborvitae(American): Immortality
Arbutus: Thee Only Do I Love
Artemisia(Wormwood): Absence
Arum(Wake Robin): Ardour
Asclepias: Sorrowful remembrance
Ash: With me you are safe
Aspen: Excess of sensibility; Fear
Asphodel: My regrets follow you to the grave
Aster: Talisman of love; Daintiness
Aster(China): Afterthoughts; Love of variety
Aster(single): I Will Think About It
Astilbe: Love at first sight
Auricula: Wealth is not always happiness
Auricula(scarlet): Pride; You are proud
Azalea: Take Care of Yourself for Me

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Baby's Breath: Innocence
Basil: Hate
Bay Leaf: I change but in dying
Bayberry: Discipline; instruction
Beech: Affluence
Begonia: Beware; Warning; Dark thoughts
Bellflower: Gratitude; I wish to speak to you
Bells of Ireland: Good Luck
Betony: Surprise
Bilberry: Treachery
Bittersweet: Truth; Platonic love
Black Locust: Platonic love
Blackthorn: Difficulty
Bluebells: Fidelity; Everlasting Love
Broom: Humility; Neatness
Bryony: Prosperity
Burdock: Importunity
Buttercup: Riches; Childishness
Butterfly-Weed: Let me go; Cure for heartache

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Cactus: Endurance
Calla Lily: Magnificent Beauty
Camellia: My destiny is in your hands
Camilla(White) You are Adorable
Camilla(Pink)Longing for You
Camilla(Red) You're a Flame in My Heart
Campanula: Thankfulness
Canterbury Bells: Gratitude; Acknowledgment; Obligation
Cardamom: Paternal error
Cardinal Flower: Distinction
Catchfly: Pretended love; Unchanging friendship
Cattail: Peace, Prosperity
Cedar: I live but for thee; Think of me
Celandine: Joys to come
Centaurea: Delicacy
Cereus (creeping): Modest genius
Cereus (night-blooming): Transient beauty
Cherry Blossom: Spiritual beauty; Good Education
Chestnut Blossom: Do me justice
Chestnut: Affluence
Chickweed :Give an account of yourself
Christmas Rose: Relieve My Anxiety
Cineraria: Always delighted
Cistus: Popular favor
Citron: Natural beauty
Clematis: Intelligence; I Love Your Mind
Clematis(evergreen): Poverty
Clianthus: Self-seeking; Worldliness
Clover (four-leaf):Be mine
Clover (white): Think of me
Cloves: Dignity; Nobility
Columbine: Folly; Inconstancy; Foolishness
Columbine(purple): Resolved to win
Columbine(red): Worried; Trembling
Convolvulus: Uncertainty; Quandary
Convolvulus: (Major)Despondency; Extinguished hopes
Convolvulus: (Minor)Night
Convolvulus: (pink)Worth sustained by affection
Corchorus: Return quickly
Coreopsis: Always cheerful
Coriander: Never judge solely on appearancesc
Cornflower: Delicacy; Refinement
Crabapple Blossom: Irritability
Cranberry: Cure for heartache
Crocus: Cheerfulness
Crocus(spring):Youthful joy & exuberance
Cypress: Despair; Mourning; Without hope

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Daffodil: The sun is always shining when I'm with you
Dahlia: Forever yours
Dahlia (yellow): Distaste
Damask Rose : Brilliant Complexion
Dandelion: Prophet; Love's oracle;Faithfulness
Daphne: Sweets To The Sweet
Darnel: Vice
Datura: Deceitful charms
Dead Leaves: Sadness
Dew-plant: Serenade
Dill: Lust
Diosma: Your simple elegance charms me
Dittany of Crete (white): Passion
Dock: Patience; Endurance
Dog Rose: Pleasure And Pain
Dogbane: Falsehood
Dogwood: Forgetfulness; Love undiminished by

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Eglantine: I wound to heal; Poetry; Talent
Elder: Compassion
Elm: Majesty
Eschscholzia: Do not refuse me
Eupatorium: Delay
Evergreen: Indigence
Everlasting: Always remembered
Eyebright: Cheer up

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Fennel: Strength; Courage
Fern: Fascination; Magic; Sincerity
Fern (Maidenhair): Secret bond of love; Discretion
Fig: Argument; I keep my secret
Fir: Time
Fleur-de-lis: Message
Flower-of-an-Hour: Delicate beauty
Forget-me-not: True Love forever; Memories; Remembrance
Four-o’clocks: Timidity
Foxglove: You are false
Freesia : Innocence; Trust
Fuchsia: Confiding love
Fuchsia (red): Taste
Furze (gorse): Anger; Love for all occasions

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Gardenia: You're lovely; Secret love; Purity
Gentian: You Are Unfair
Gentian (closed): Sweet be thy dreams
Gentian (fringed): I look to heaven
Gilly-Flower: Lasting beauty; Thou art fair
Gladiola: Give me a break
Gladiolus: Love at First Sight
Globe amaranth: Unfading love
Gloxinia: Love at first sight
Goldenrod: Encouragement; you will succeed; Be cautious
Gooseberry: Anticipation; Expectancy
Grape (wild): Charity
Grass: Usefulness; Submission

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Handflower: Warning
Harebell : Grief; Submission
Harlequin: Laugh at trouble
Hawkweed: Quick-sighted
Hawthorn: Hope; Expectation
Hazel: Reunion
Heartsease (Johnny-Jump-Up): Pleasant thoughts; Think of me
Heath: Solitude
Heather: Wishes Will Come True; Admiration; Loneliness
Helenium: Tears
Heliotrope: Attachment; Eagerness
Hemlock: You will cause my death
Hemp: Fate
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Holly: Good wishes; Am I forgotten?
Hollyhock: Ambition; I seek glory; Aspiration
Honesty: Honesty
Honey-flower: Love sweet and secret
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love; A wedding will follow shortly
Honeysuckle (coral): Fidelity
Honeysuckle(wild): Inconstancy
Horse-chestnut: Luxury
Houstonia: Content ever with thee
Hyacinth : Dedication; Constancy; Playful
Hyacinth (purple): Jealousy; Sorrow; I am sad; Grief
Hyacinth (white): Beauty
Hyacinth (yellow): Jealousy
Hyssop: Cleanliness

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Ice-plant: Your looks freeze me
Iris: Faith and Wisdom or Promise in Love;I Have a Message For You
Iris (German): Aflame; I burn adversity Iris (yellow): Sorrow; Passion Ivy: Fidelity; Friendship Ivy with White/Red Flowers: Marry Me?

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Jacob's-ladder: Come down
Jasmine: Grace
Jasmine (cape): I am too happy
Jasmine (Carolina): Separation
Jasmine (Indian): Attraction; I attach myself to you
Jasmine (night-blooming):Love's vigil
Jasmine (Spanish): Sensuality
Jasmine (white): I desire a return of my affection
Jasmine (yellow): Grace and elegance
Jonquil: Can you return my love? June Lilies (white): Purity and sweetness Juniper: Safekeeping

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Lady's Smock: Ardor
Lady's Thimble: Grief; Submission
Lady's Tresses: Bewitching grace
Larkspur: Ardent attachment; Levity
Larkspur (pink): Fickleness; Flippancy
Laurel: Treachery; Ambition; I will win
Laurel (ground): Perseverance
Laurel (mountain): Ambition; Aspiration
Laurus (Bay): Constant; Unchanging
Lavender: I like you only as a friend
Lemon: Discretion
Lettuce (Iceberg): Cold-heartedness
Lilac: Do You Still Love Me?
Lilac (purple): First love; First emotions of love
Lilac (white): Youthful innocence
Lily-of-the-Valley: Friendship;You Made My Life Complete; Return of Happiness
Live-oak: Liberty
Liverwort: Confidence
Lobelia: Dislike
Locust: Affection beyond the grave
Lotus: Estranged love

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Madder: Tranquillity
Magnolia: Nobility; Love of nature; Magnificence
Magnolia (swamp): Perseverance
Maize: Riches
Mallow: Gentleness
Maple: Reserve; Constraint; Retirement
Marigold: Cruelty in love; Despair; Jealousy; I have cause
Marjoram: Innocence; Blushes
Marvel-of-Peru: Timidity
Mayflowers: You only do I love
Meadow-saffron: My best days are past
Melissa (Balm): Fun; Sympathy
Memosa :Secret Love
Mezereon: Desire to please
Mignonette: Your qualities surpass your charms; I live for thee
Milford: War
Mint: Warmth of feeling; Let us be friends again;Purity
Mistletoe: I want to be kissed
Monkshood: Beware; Danger Is Near; Chivalry
Moonflower: I only dream of love
Morning Glory: Affection; Departure
Moss: Maternal Love; Patience
Moss Rose: Confession of Love
Motherwort: Concealed love
Mourning Bride: I have lost all
Mugwort: Happiness; Peace
Mulberry (black): I shall not survive you; Sadness
Mulberry (white): Wisdom
Mullein: Take courage
Musk: Be bolder
Mustard: I’m smart; I am hurt
Myrtle: Love in absence; Love positive
Myrtle (wax): Discipline; Instruction

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Nandina: My love will grow warmer
Narcissus: You love yourself too well; Stay as Sweet as You Are
Nasturtium: Victory in Battle; Patriotism; Affectation
Nettle: You are spiteful
Nightshade: Your thoughts are dark; Falsehood
Nuts: Stupidity

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Oak: Hospitality
Oak Leaf: Courage; I will endure
Oats: I love your music
Oleander: Caution; Heed
Olive Branch: Peace
Orange Blossom: Innocence; Eternal Love
Orchid: Love; Beauty; Chinese symbol for many children
Orchid (wild): You are a belle; You flatter me
Orchis (bee): Error; Industry
Orchis (butterfly): Gaiety
Orchis (fly): Error
Oxeye: Be patient

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Palm: Victory; Conquest
Pansy: Pleasant thoughts; Think of me; Reflections
Parsley: Useful knowledge; Feasting
Passion flower: Faith; Belief;Trust in God; Holy love
Pea (everlasting): Lasting pleasure
Peach Blossom: I am your captive
Pear Blossom: Tenderness; Not altogether lovely
Pear: Affection
Pennyroyal: You had better go
Peony: Anger
Peppermint: Warm Feelings
Periwinkle: Memory; Never forget; Pleasing remembrances
Periwinkle (blue): Early friendship
Periwinkle (white): Harmony; Pleasure of memory
Persicaria: Restoration
Persimmon Blossom: I shall surprise you by and by
Petunia: Don't Lose Hope
Pheasant's-eye: I cannot forget you
Phlox: Friendship
Phlox (star-shaped): Trying to please you; Agreements
Pimpernel: Change
Pine: Pity; Compassion
Plum Blossom: Keep your promises
Pomegranate Blossom: Grace; Perfection
Primrose: Believe me;Youth; young love; I can not live without you
Primrose (evening): Sweet memories; Inconstancy; Early youth
Primrose (red): Neglected merit
Prince's Feather: I blush for you
Privet: Prohibition
Pyxie: Life is sweet

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Ranunculus: Dazzled by your charms; You are rich in attractions
Raspberry Blossom: Remorse; Penitence
Reed: Submission
Reed (split): Imprudence
Rocket: Rivalry; Conflict
Rose-leaf: You may hope
Rosemary: Love; Remembrance
Rue: Go; never return

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Saffron: You are perfectly lovely; Marriage
Sage: Domestic duties; Great Respect
Salvia (Sage): Long life; Wisdom
Salvia (blue): Wisdom
Salvia (red): Untiring energy; Always Yours
Satinflower: Fascination
Saxifrage: Affection; Tenderness
Scabiosa: Unfortunate love
Sea-bindweed: Uncertainty
Sensitive plant: Fine sensibility
Senvy: I'm smart
Shamrock: Loyalty; Cheerfulness
Shepherd's Purse: I offer you my all
Smilax: Loveliness; Constancy
Snapdragon: Deception; Refusal; No!
Snowball: Bound thoughts of heaven
Snowdrop: Consolation; Friendship in trouble
Spearmint: Warm Sentiments
Speedwell: Womanly fidelity
Spiderflower: Elope with me; Not so bad as I seem
Star of Bethlehem: Reconciliation
Starwort: Afterthought
Statice: Sympathy
Stephanotis: Happiness in marriage; Desire to travel
Stonecrop: Tranquillity
Straw (broken): Broken Agreement
Straw: Agreement
Strawberry Blossoms: Far-sightedness
Sumac: I shall survive the change
Sumac (dwarf): Adoration
Sunflower (large): You are splendid
Sunflower (short): Adoration
Sweet Basil: Good wishes
Sweet Pea: Lets meet; Good-bye; Remember me; Thank you for a lovely time
Sweet William: Grant me one smile
Sycamore: Genius
Syringa : You shall be happy yet

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Tamarisk: Crime
Tansy: I Oppose You; Dislike; Refusal
Thistle: Independence
Thistle (scotch): Retaliation
Thorn-apple: Delusive beauty
Thrift: Sympathy
Thyme: Courage; Activity; Grace; Elegance
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasures
Tulip: Beautiful eyes; Declaration of Love
Tulip (red): Undying love; Declaration of love
Tulip (variegated): Enchantment; Your eyes are beautiful
Tulip (yellow): Desperately In Love
Turnip blossom: Charity
Tussilago: You shall have justice

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Valerian: You Are Considerate
Venus's fly-trap: Duplicity
Venus's looking-glass: Flattery
Verbena: Enchantment;May you get your wish
Verbena (scarlet): Sensitivity
Verbena (white): Honesty
Vervain: Enchantment; Superstition
Violet: Let's Take a Chance on Happiness; I dream of thee
Violet (blue): Faithfulness; Love
Violet (white): Let's take a chance on each other
Virginia Creeper: I cling to you

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Wallflower: Fealty Through Ordeal
Water Lily: Purity Of Heart
Wheat: I wish thee; Riches
Willow: Grieving
Witch hazel: Inspiration; A spell is upon me
Wood Sorrel: Joy
Woodbine: Fraternal love
Wormwood: Absence

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Zephyranthes: Expectation
Zinnia: Daily remembrance;Friendship ;Affection
Zinnia (Magenta) Lasting Affection
Zinnia (Mixed) Thinking of an absent friend

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