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I have a friend who has been through some much over the last year. I feel the pain she feels, and my heart goes out to her. I have met alot of people on the net and I must say some have touched me in so many ways These people I call true friends. Some have left for better and brighter things, and I will never forget them and they way they touched me. You know who you all are.

A Love That Never Died:

He sits on a park bench, looking sad. As I look at him I see such pain in his eyes, and feel the hurt within his heart. He gazes deeply toward the rippling lake that sits before him. His mind is elsewhere. I start to walk toward him, his gaze never leaves that lake. I slowly approach this man in such pain. He holds in his hands a ring. A engagment ring. I see a tear in his eye. I sit down next to him. His gaze slowly turns to me. He looks deep into my eyes. His eyes are cold and somber, as if his soul has gone elsewhere. He speaks softly. I lost the most beautiful women in the world he says. Wanting to comfort this stranger, but afraid to. I want to say I'm sorry and wanting to know what happened, but I can't speak the words, and those are not the words he needs to hear. He tells me he lost her in an accident, they were suppose to be married next year. His hands tighten down upon the ring he holds. I look at him and tell him her presence shall never leave you, she surrounds you with her spirit. I put my hand on his, to console him. He tells me he see's her often and speaks to her. Trying to understand him and the pain he holds I give him a smile. I tell him he has to get on with life, she would want that for him. He says he shall never do that. He's waiting for her to come for him. Wanting to hold him and take away his pain and tell him he's going to make it through, his eyes drift back toward the lake, a smile forms on his lifeless face. He rises up off the bench, walking slowly toward the water. Still smiling he drifts into the cold lake I watch him, now knowing what he is planning to do I start to get chills He whispers something I can not hear. He stretches his arms out and holds the ring out away from him. An image appears before him. Its a women dressed in white, with gold wings. She picks him up and wraps his body in her wings. The slowly rise above the water. The drift up toward the sky in a dancing motion. He looks down toward me and smiles. They descend upon the sky. He is with the one who he loves. The wind starts to blow, and I hear the words of this man. "Don't Ever Give Up On What You Love For You Shall Have It For All Eternity" For his love has never died. torn2piecs...


I love you today, I love you tomorrow, I love you forever. The pain I have caused is unbearable. You and only you are the one who helped me through my roughest times, and then some. We may not be together as we once were, but our friendship will go far. I love you more then I shall ever love another. A big piece of my heart belongs to you the most loving, warm, caring man I shall ever know. I shall always be there or wherever for you. Your love is deeper then an ocean More colorful then a rainbow. Someday all your troubles will be gone and you can begin a brighter new life. I love you more today then I did yesterday.


I know the pain you so often speak. I'm sadden with your grief and hardship. Life seems so shallow and gone, but never give up on yourself and how far you have gone. You have love most never feel nor show. You have lost the most precious man in the world, and life seems not worth it, but be strong, your being watched over, he surrounds you with his spirit. Love that had never faded. I so often feel him near me when im sadden. The thoughts of him bring a smile to my tearful face. He was the love of your life, and he is gone to heaven, but don't be sad, he's with you always.


The pain you feel is unspoken. For you have lost so much. This pain shall live with you many years to come. When your feeling down, lift up your head to the heavens above and smile, for your 3 little precious babies are angels in gods arms. Watching over you, for you shall always be protected. Three little angels together, rejoicing in gods Kingdom. Don't give up hope for someday, you will be enriched with many wonderful treasures, and those three little angels hovering over you. I know the pain you feel, my heart goes with you.

Shadow Of A Lonely Heart:

I am nothing but a mass of darkness. A shadow that lurks through the the night, searching for love and compassion. Searching but finding nothing. Having lost all I once had, my journey to such unhappiness begins. Only to feel the emptiness of the love I lost, only to feel nothing but pain and sorrow. For I am a shadow who cries tears. A shadow with a lonely heart. A heart that aches and cries through the night. torn2pieces...

A Caring Man:

He touches my cheek and wipes away my tears. He holds me close and whispers in my ears. My heart sings with the love I feel from him. My life just begins. He puts his arms around me tight, in the dark cold night. He tells me it's going to be ok. We have all night to make a getaway. He kisses me, I feel a quiver in my knee. He looks in my eyes, my tears are gone and dry. He tells me he loves me. I feel I can be anything I want to be. My heart is healed now my love and be unvaled. torn2piecs.....


I am who I am. A heart that got blown away, for I am Torn2pieces. All my life I been mistreated. I shall become strong, and fit in where I belong. Open up my eyes and reject all the lies. Live a life of goodness, and end my sadness. Just wait and see, it can happen to you as it has to me, For I am Torn2pieces one with a lost soul, but starting to regain my control. Wipe away my tears and forget all my fears. Never to become a victim of pain, but to Live a life being sane. My time will come and sadness for some. But through it all I am who I am. torn2pieces.......

A Phone Call:

He calls me on the phone, and tells me he done wrong. He makes me cry and i cant believe why. He ripped my heart in two, as most do. I trust him with all i got, but in return he broke me alot. He took my heart and used and abused the love I gave for him to use. He hurt me bad and made me sad, but in the end I shall have it all, stand proud and tall. He may have broke my heart, but time heals all. torn2pieces....

Written By Hobo, Who Has Become My Online Pops.

Where there is Peace and love, it comes from within and above. For great is the peace that is abount. enought for you and I to pass around. Yea, pass this plate of love to me, and I shall retorn it,Full you shall see.

In thy grasps, it is I whom you may have and all of me for all of thy pleasure to do what ever is in the world for you to enjoy I am thy self to share, and give unto you

Love ya popsy, Thanks For All That Good Advice.

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