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Torn's Poems
TORNS POETRY Copyright © 1998

Hi I'm Torn2pieces, I tend to write Poetry if thats what you want to call it. I have had alot of mishaps in my life. I am not able to express myself openly, so I write my feelings down on paper. Whether it makes sense or not. The worst was losing my daughter Christie, holding her and not wanting to to let her go. As she passed away in my arms, all I can feel is the emptiness I shall have for the rest of my life. For My love for her will always remain. After her death I started to put my feelings down on paper. True Poetry comes deep within the heart, and all these I have written came from there.
VISIONS: She looks down from the heaven above, eyes that light the skies. A smile that gives you a sense of hope. As I look at her, I see she is trying to tell me something. She lowers her hand and grabs mine, touching it softly, as she smiles As I look deep into her eyes, I see my life. As I try to close my eyes, not to see the pain I went through, her hand brushes against my cheek. Her smile never leaves her. She bends down and kisses me. I hear a soft whisper. As I look back up, I notice white shimmering wings open behind her back I now know what this vision means. This little innocent girl is my daughter She is an angel. Tears run streams down my cheeks. (Whispers) She told me she loved me, Will protect me and I need to move on with my life and not to take her death in vain, for better things are to come to me. She is my guardian angel. Torn2pieces
FOR MY GRANDFATHER: Gramps, I didn't get to say goodbye. I feel sad, for you have left this earth without me telling you how precious you were to me. For I lost apart of me when you left. I never got to tell you how much I loved you. I feel your presence surround me. For I know your spirit lives on. I shall never hear those stories you so often told. The ones that made me laugh. The ones that brung joy and happiness to my life. I thank God for letting me get to know you in your last years on earth. For I wish I got to spend more time with you. I love you Gramps. May you be happy and at peace within God's warm, loving arms. For I know your at a better place. May we meet again someday. I love you.
In Loving Memory Of My GrandFather
GIFT: God has granted me many wonderful things, but most of all he has granted me the most precious gift of all. That gift is you, for you are the gift that will keep me going, through thick and thin. Through my worst of times. For you are the most precious in my life. I shall love you forever and always. Torn2pieces
SMILES: Without you I don't not smile, for you only bring that smile upon my face. For you have shown me how to smile once more. Erasing all my pain and sorrows and bringing such joy into my life. For my smile belongs to you. Torn2pieces
EYES: you have eyes that brighten up the most gloomiest nights. Eyes of emerald green. With a touch of gray. Eyes that can illuminate a darkened room, a dark and lonely universe. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, I shall be lost and hypnotized deep within them forever. Torn2pieces
HEART of GOLD: You have a heart of gold. A heart that has so much love, and compassion. A heart that has feelings and emotions. Only a man like you can have that heart of gold. For you are the most passionate, loving and caring man in the world. I shall not want a gold nugget, for I have you and your heart of gold WRITTEN FOR MY BEST FRIEND BOB.
Thank You for always being there when I needed a friend. Without you I not know where I would be right now. I love you Bob, Your my bestest friend in the whole world. I treasure your friendship for all eternity.

TRUE FRIEND: Friends do come and go. For the friend I look for is you. For I know you will always be there and will take the time and patience to listen to my sorrows and worries. True friends never judge, or stab you in the back. A friend who doesn't put me down. A friend that brings smiles to my face, when I am sadden or upset. A friend who cares about my feelings. Just call upon me when your feeling down and I shall be that friend to you as you are to me. A friend to the end. Torn2pieces
My Search Is Over: I have met that special someone, who is so precious to me. I would do all I can for him. For he deserves the world, and I shall give him that. All he has to do is take my hand, and I will lead him to a world of which is ours. Where it would just be us. For that's all we need is each other Take me I'm yours. All you need to do is take my hand, for all you need is me. Torn2pieces.
ALONE: As the sun lowers for another dark and lonely night, I can only feel sorry for myself. For I will spend another night alone. To weep in my tears of sorrow. For I can only feel the pain within my heart, a pain that shall never go away. For I will walk alone watching those in love pass me by. Seeing joy set apon their faces, and the grief and saddness on mine. For this is the path I choose. For this is what is best for me. Happiness only comes to those who deserve it, for I deserve nothing but pain. I don't want pity, nor heart felt words. I just want to be alone in my tears of sorrow. Torn2pieces
FUTURE: As the days pass by, I can only dream of the future. For my past is gone forever. I see you in my future. I cannot go back in time, but only look toward the shinning stars, and see your glimmering smile. For you hold the essence of love and compassion. For you are you and no one will ever come close to what you are. You have a heart of silver, eyes that reflect the glow of the uprising moon. You send out a ray of hope and understanding. It takes more then just words, but my heart aches for your warm loving touch and the embrace of your warm loving arms. Torn2pieces
IN TIME: In time i will heal, for I know I am better then some. I shall find my happiness Its out there waiting for me. I need to spread my wings and engulf it. For I will no longer hurt. In time I will become stronger, let go of my grief and sorrow, and the hatred of those who have hurt me so. I shall once more become numb from such hurt. I will not let my heart be used once more. Torn2pieces.
Lost: I look out into the the dark sky, wishing I was someone else. Someone who can have all the pain and sorrows I have endured in my life. For I don't want to be me anymore. I shall stay in the dark of night, never wanting to come to the light where there is hatred, bitterness, and cruelty. I shall stay lost for I know not of the love I once had. Torn2pieces
SHADOW: I am a shadow that brings peace and happiness to those saddened, lonely and confused. I bring enjoyment, love and ecstasy. I will piece back your broken heart and make it whole again. I will wipe away those tears that run rivers down your cheek. I will fill up your life with the sense of being cared and loved for. You should never be left as long as I am your shadow. I will always be by your side. Even in the dark, you will hear my whispers, gently speaking your name. I shall protect you from all. Shield your body with the warmth of mine. Keep you warm when it's cold. Guide you through your thoughest times. Make you smile once more and you shall never grin again. Torn2pieces
The One I Adore: As the sun sets, I look into your eyes, hypnotized by them. Looking through them deep into your soul. Wanting to see what makes you, you. Feelings of love overcome me. Wanting to join your soul as one. I whisper softly to you letting you inhale my words. Putting joy upon your face. Your eyes sparkle with delight. The gleam, the shine, you are beautiful. I brush the side of your cheek. Feeling the face of the one I adore. Rubbing my hands through your hair, pulling you closer to me. Touching your lips with mine, embracing this precious moment. Holding you close and never letting you go. Torn2pieces.
SNOW: Staring at the white shimmering mountain tops, I only think of the one I love Seeing how the snow lays upon the tops of the fading mountains. Seeing how the snow covers the mountains as if the snow was keeping them warm, for the bitter cold. I think of you, for you are my snow. You shall keep me warm on the coldest nights. Torn2pieces
ALWAYS: I shall love you always, for God has brung you into my life, to give you all the love you deserve. I shall always be by your side. For I will love you always. Torn2pieces.
YOU: As I look into the darkening sky, all I see is the glow of the twinkling stars. For I see you amongst them. The cast fo light they emit, the love that flows from them. You shall be my guiding light, for I shall never get lost again as long as I have you. The darkening sky with the glowing stars. Torn2pieces
LIFE: Life is a precious gift from the Lord above. You never know how precious it is until its time to depart from this world. For I will treasure the rest of my life, for I know not how long I have left. Don't take advantage of what short time you have on earth with worrying about, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, and grief. Have compassion for all others. Enjoy life for all it has to offer. With every moment spend it wisely, before you know it, It will pass you by. Torn2pieces.
MY DEPARTURE: I shall be so lost without you. Lost without the one I most adore and love The one who has helped me through many tough times and hardship. This shall be one of the hardest things I shall ever go through. I will always be thinking of you, for you are in my heart and my thought and prayers. I will carry you locked up within me. For there is a special place just for you. As the day ends it will be one more day closer to my departure. A day of such sorrow and hurt. I know in time we will once again be together. For I believe it is God's doings. I love you for you and the magical things you do. You have made me whole. Made me open my heart to such love. For you have made me fall in love once more. Torn2pieces.

UNDERSTANDING: As I sit here, I can only feel the sadness, for I hurt the one I love, and I hurt. For I cannot bear the thought of the pain I have for what has happened. How did it come to this. Is this a test. For I do not know the answer. I can only look toward the man I love. With understanding and love. Look into his eyes, and know that we will overcome and work this out. For it's the only thing that keeps me going. Knowing that he's in my life. Without him I am nothing. I shall do all I can to fix this, but I know he must want the same. If this is meant to be, we will overcome any obstacle, and work as a team, and become joined as one once more. Torn2pieces.
MY SOUL: My soul is ripped in half now ,and I am all alone, and it's coming down to each to have there own. I know that I'm forsaken ,by one true god above, for now after all these years, my third and broken love,to look in side a man and see the things that go un spoken,all the years and all the tears of a heart that has been broken. My love was true I held you high. My love for you will never die. Alone again is where I'll stay until I reach my dying day. This pain I feel hurts so bad. To think of the other man you had, alone I'll stay it is my fate. I'll never trust another mate,i wrote this poem to show my pain , before i go totalty insane,i will never trust again my god a lover or a friend, you ripped my sole. WRITTEN BY FORSAKEN..... LOVE YOU DAVE......
Don't shed tears over petty stuff, move on and enjoy the wonderful things that surround you. Torn2pieces
MOON&STARS: When your feeling down, don't frown, but look upon the moon and stars and you shall see me looking down upon you, with a smile that lights up the universe. For I will always be there. When you are down and feeling lonely look out into the sky and you shall see my smile a mile high. Torn2pieces
PATHS: As I walk down the road the sunsets. The darkness starts to surround me. Frightened of what is ahead. As I keep walking I come across several paths Making sure to pick the right one. Not wanting to get lost. I follow the one to the right. A strange and mysterious feeling overwhelms me. For I have never felt this. Panic strikes me. For I not know what is leading me down this darkened path. I keep moving forward. My heart races. My hands start to get moist from being scared. Up ahead of me I see a shadow. It is of a man. Still frightened I push forward. Knees wobbling, I go further toward this engraved shadow of darkness. I approach, standing right in front of this mysterious vision. That feeling of compassion now consumes my once frightened body. For this shadow is of the man I have fallen deeply and passionately in love with. He is there to guide me back. Take me away in his arms. Wisk me away to paradise, were the paths lead only to heaven. torn2pieces..

All these poems are copyrighted, and currently a few of them are being published..
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