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Life on


Astrochicken Joe Schmoe
(God help us all!)

Well, as if ol' Joe Schmoe couldn't get into enough trouble here on earth, now he's gone into outer space. Let's hope there wont be any interplanetary incidents!
Joe Schmoe...outer space....
interplanetary incidents
(hmmmm.......ya think?)

NASA recently picked Joe Schmoe as the Worlds first "Astrochicken" (Apparantly they have never visted The Official Dancing Chicken Web Site, hee-hee!) Anyway, The space agency has a secret plan for Joe Schmoe, and NASA isn't talking. So at this time we can only sit back and watch what happens.

Mayor Torpedo Joe has some idea of NASA's master plan, but he is sworn to secrecy, and isn't talking either. But thanks to modern technology, NASA has provided the Mayor with a radio capable of transmitting and receiving signals from Joe Schmoe, wherever his travels may take him. The Mayor will release copies of these audio tapes as soon as NASA has reviewed the conversations, and given him clearance to release them.

We hope you will check back often to follow the new escapades of our pal Joe Schmoe. This one could be a doozey! (You thought the Y2K bug was scary!) The Schmoeville Gazette has just published a special edition with the latest details of Joe Schmoes flight into space. Along with a recent Satelite photo, and the first radio transmission the Mayor received from his pal. Check it out and enjoy our new adventure!