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Our Awards Page

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
Joe Schmoe and I would like to thank Maria for the honor she has bestowed upon us! We encourage all to visit her site and "Laugh Often"!

Made in NL

This Awardski comes all the way from our friend Jack in the Netherlands! A place which is known for interesting things. Jack's Web Site is no different! It does contain adult subject matter, (No pornography) but is very informative, A definate "must see" for the curious adult. A big American "THANKS" to our overseas friend Jack.

Come & get it...

Judith's Funny Pages

Judith gave us this award because she considers our site as funny! And we would like to thank her very much for that sentiment! But if you want to see a real funny site, visit Judith's Funny Pages. It's funnier than a barrel full of monkeys, or for that matter chickens! (Hee-Hee, just dont tell Joe Schmoe I said that!)


I love these sites where the name says it all! When you're looking for humor, Start the Insanity! Cause if you dont find it here, it doesn't exist! This Award was actually presented to Joe Schmoe. It was a close one, but ol' Joe edged me by a beak! We want to thank Omnipotent1 for this great Award!
(Parental Guidence Advised)

VenusEnvy's Temple

Here's something a little different. Lot's of strange and bizzare stuff! Taken with a grain of salt, this site will entertain you for hours.
(Parental Guidance Advised)


A site jammed packed with tutorials ranging from basic HTML to advanced Java Script. Very informative and easy to understand. A must see for those who are eager to learn. A big thanks to Tom and Faye Horne for this prestigious award!

that chicken award
~ Awarded for Auditory Astuteness ~

The Funny Farm

This Award was presented for Auditory Astuteness in the "Name that Chicken" contest. (Do you think we had an edge?) Visit the Funny Farm. A barnyard chuck full of laughs, giggles and entertainment. Set aside a few hours, because you won't want to leave.

Homecooking & Lifes Enjoyment

We would like to thank Tammy for this beautiful award. She is a wonderful person who has dedicated web space so that we may remember our loved ones. There is much to see, inspirational thoughts, great recipes, jokes and more. Visit Tammy's site, it will fill you with enjoyment!