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When we last left Torpedo and Joe Schmoe, Torpedo was quite angry. It seems that Joe Schmoe had some friends over and kind of.....Well, they thrashed the place. Torpedo was outraged.
Now I hate to be the one to drop a on you. But a strange little fellow landed on Torpedo's shoulder. Our friend suddenly and without warning, transformed into the "EVIL TORPEDO". Talk about your must see TV! Anyway, the "EVIL TORPEDO" was planning to seek revenge on our innocent yet mischeivous pal In fact, deep below Torpedos' house located in this quiet suburb community, an evil plan is about to be hatched. Torpedo works feverishly in his secret labratory. (Isnt it funny how people never have that kind of stuff, until it becomes intricate to the plot?) Oh well, on with our story.

"So, I'm STUPEDO huh! I'll teach that scrawny yellow chicken livered pidgeon toed McNugget. Now all I need is a test subject. Ah yes, here kitty kitty, I have some nice milk for you! Ha-Ha, It works perfectly!

Ah, just in time, here comes my assistant Greendorfsky,

and he's brought our little yellow friend! How quaint! Put him in the quantum deatomizing zippo-change-o booth. NO NO, not there, thats the bathroom! The thing that looks like a telephone booth! Boy it's so hard to get good help now a days. Darn those Equal Opportunity Laws! Now my fine feathered friend. Are you ready to be turned into the worlds largest dancing McNugget!
Hee Hee Hee!

Oh my , is this the end for our buddy Joe Schmoe!

(Picture to remember him by!)
Is there nothing in this world that can save him? Will Torpedo finally exact his revenge. Can he do something so, so cruel, and really expect to get away with it? And what of Joe Schmoes family. Who will help them cope with these devastating turn of events. Hey, what about yours truly? Where can an out of work announcer find another cushy job like this? Oh uh hmm sorry! What kind of person could do this. Couldn't they just talk things out? What is he a man.....oh I couldnt say that.....oh all right. Folks remember, I dont write this stuff. Is he a man or a........

I fear there is but one thing that can save the Schmoe!................I SAID THERES ONLY ONE THING THAT CAN SAVE THE SCHMOE!

Hmm, a blackout! Not what I had in mind, but that will work!
Now Joe must make his escape! If only he had some help. Oh my its....its, why yes it Joes friend,

No, No, No, for crying out loud! The wine cellar is that way! Now where were we, ah yes.... It's....


Oh my, what some people wont do for a shameless plug! He probably thought he smelled chicken lasagna. Now may I get on with the story? Thank you. It's none other than Joes long time friend, the meek mild mannered shoeshine boy, who in true life is........

Underdog swoops down and grabs Joe from the clutches of Evil Torpedo. At the same time, knocking Evil Torpedo into the quantium de atom...quickie change-o-thinga ma jiggy, you know what I mean. Just then by a quirk of fate, (and a timely special effects person) the power comes back on. Ew, I think Evil Torpedo's had it! Wait a minute. The door is opening, its...its...its.....

Torpedo Joe (the good one)

"HEY, What happened? (sniff sniff) Do I smell Chicken Lasagna"?

Joe Schmoe explained everything to Torpedo, who apoligized to Joe Schmoe for almost turnng him into a chicken fricasse. The two strolled off into the sunset. Everything was back to normal in Torpedo Joe Land once again.


