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Letters To Editor

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Serving greater Schmoeville since 1862

Vol 1......Editor in Chief: Wally Abercrombie...... June 24, 1999

NASA Launches Chicken

Joe Schmoe
First Astrochicken

It was learned today, that NASA's latest Shuttle mission was of historic proportions. What makes the event so historic, is the shuttle's payload, a chicken. The first chicken ever to be sent into space. The mission, was classified Top Secret until last night, and NASA has just begun releasing details of the launch. Although the exact reason for launching the chicken into space is unknown, anonymous sources told reporters it was "Of great scientific value" It was also learned that the payload was no ordinary chicken. After an exhausted search, NASA found the perfect specimen for the mission. A dancing chicken known only as "Joe Schmoe". A spokesman for the Space Agency stated "If all goes as planned, the results could be astonishing. There is a specific reason why the dancing chicken was chosen. We will be releasing more information regarding that over the next few days". NASA has just released the first satelite photo of the space traveling chicken.
View Satelite Photo

Parade Set

A parade to honor Schmoeville resident and AstrochickenJoe Schmoe is already being organized. "We want Joe to know how proud we are of him" said parade organizer Lenny Schumucker. As soon as word spread of Joe Schmoes adventure in space, Schmoeville residents gathered to plan a parade in his honor. "It's a great day for Schmoeville, let's hope that dern chicken don't screw it up", said parade co-chairperson Agnes Rickerbocker. "Well I'll be dipped in chocolate, that chicken is full of surprises", said local resident Floyd Hicks. After the parade, a picnic will be held at Billy Joe Schmoe Memorial park. It is rumored that a statue of Joe Schmoe will be unveiled sometime during the picnic. However, that report is still unconfirmed.

Proud Mayor
Speaks Out

Mayor Torpedo Joe spoke for the first time concerning Joe Schmoe being picked as the first chicken in space. "I am extremly proud of Joe. He will do the space program proud". The Mayor knew of Joe Schmoe being picked for the space program six months ago, when NASA Officials approached Joe. He could not devulge any information concerning the matter, since NASA had classified it "Top Secret". "I was bursting at the seams, I wanted to tell someone so bad"! the Mayor was quoted as saying. He went on to say that the details of the mission, including the length of Joe Schmoes space flight are still confidential. The Mayor will be in contact with Joe throughout the mission, with the aid of a newly developed radio transmitter designed especially for this mission.The Mayor was excited about being able to communicate with his pal. He was quoted as saying, It's better than watching Star Trek"!"

First Radio

Using the specially designed radio transmitter provided by NASA, Mayor Torpedo Joe will be in constant contact with Joe Schmoe as he travels through space. It was Schmoe who suggested a radio transmitter capable of transmitting and receiving signals from wherever his travels may take him. The new space traveler said, "In case I gets lonely or jus' need someone to talk to". The Mayor has already received the first transmission from Joe Schmoe, which was sent just minutes after the spacecraft lifted off from Cape Cod. He will make the transmissions available to the public as as they are reviewed by NASA Officials.
Listen To Radio Transmission

Part 1

Part 2