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Updated 11~16~99

Welcome to Torpedo Joes' Special Goodies. This is where you will find the sites we think deserve special recognition. Those that go above and beyond the realm of the average web site. Does that sound like a description of your site? Then apply for your very own "Schmoey" Award of Excellence at the bottom of this page. "Schmoey's are starting to "go like hot cakes!" So check back often!




This space was donated in exchange for the return of Joe Schmoe, "cause they was fixin' to make him into a BBQ Chicken." Visit their advice page and "Git Y'all's head shrunk"! Bring tissues, cause you'll laugh till you cry! I did!

WEBMASTER NOTE: A special Thanks to Terry & Sandy for Their Support & the Joy of Their Laughter!


You'll be "hoopin' anda hollern'" at the fun stuff here. If you like to laugh, this is a great "sight" to see! Dont forget to scratch something on the outhouse wall. When you do, tell em' Joe sent ya!


Follow the saga of Fred and Glory Smagmathers. Good "Down Home" fun! For free advice or recipes, sit a spell with this FUN pair! There's a great collection of stories too. They'll keep you in stitches!


I have to rate this site PG-13. There is some strong language, but its a really fun look at "AINT ELVIS". This site has a picture gallery with some pretty funny stuff. Dont forget to sign the guest book. You'll be sure to get a response from someone, but "Not Elvis!?"
( I'm confused)


When Joe Schmoe saw this site, he started to quiver. He was shaking like a leaf on a tree. Have you ever seen a chicken with goosebumps? AND YOU DONT WANT TO! What you want to do, is visit Jenny's Home Page.A very nice person that came to visit all the way from Trellborg Sweeden. (Plus I think Joe Schmoe has a crush on think?)


Check out the front page on this site, it's AWSOME! There's lots of fun stuff too. Poetry, Blonde Jokes, and we all know that, "Kids say the darnest things". Check out what Charmaine has to say. Remember The Monkees? (Hey hey we're the monkees...oh never mind) Theres a COOL LINK you'll want to see

WHEW....Guaranteed To Keep You Busy For HOURS.
The title says it all. There is so much to do here, you'll have to go back over and over again! But it will be worth it. Lots of Crazy stuff that will make you laugh, chuckle and even chortle! Take some time and Browse around.


They're not Computor Geeks, or Nerds. They write for Love! Just what the Doctor ordered! You Can Even Add your Site to the List of Dr Luvs patients! Lots to see and do here. Stop by for a total check-up


That's right, Prehistoric Dogs! If you've never seen one, go here now! Before they're...well you know. A very imaginative and creative site. If your looking for Links, this site has tons! I give it
"Two Milkbones Up".


Riddle me this Batman...........when is a boy like a bat? Answer, when he's hanging around Ryans Batcave. If you thought you were a BIG Batman fan, move on over. There's a new kid in town. His Name is Ryan, a nine year old kid that has the Batman fever. A really cool site you'll want to check out!


The name really says it all! Lots and Lots, I mean a lot of Humor Links, and jokes. Theres also information on what's going on with the internet There SO muchto do, you'll have to go back again & again. So, if you really want to start the Insanity, Don't Wait! Click the Banner Now! You'll be glad you did!

Lady Oh's Favorite
Gif's and JPG's

Lady Oh's Favorite gifs and jpg's has a huge assortment of images for the taking. This is one of the prettiest designed sites I've seen! Visit her and check out what she has to offer. If you don't find it here, it may not exist!


Good, clean and very funny, are the themes of this Web Site! Get ready to stay for a while, because the laughs never end. Yet another person that sees the laughter in themselves and in the world around them. Joe Schmoe and I both this site as a "Must See"!


Who says computer programmers are dull? This site has to be one of the funniest I've seen. The Unknown Programmer and his buddy Megabite the Crockadile have a sense of humor that will entertain everyone! Joe Schmoe and I give it 50,000 Bytes with a bullet!


I guess I'm drawn to hillbilly humor. But who can blame me. It can be some of the funniest and most creative. This site is no exception. Meet the original Dysfunctional Family. And I mean the whole family, even their pets. No one is left out, and you'll roll on the floor with laughter as you meet them!

Want to win a "Schmoey" of your very own?

Submit your site to The Official Dancing Chicken Award Council. Please remember, we have a family oriented site. Therefore we cannot consider sites which contain the following material.
* Adult Oriented Subjects
* Pornography
* Foul or Questionable Subjects

The Award Council will determine if a site contains any of the aforementioned material. Their decision will be final.

Submit Your Site Here!

Award Application

Be sure to include:
Your Name
Your E-Mail Address
The Site Name
Brief Description of the Site