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Tom & Mini Samuel's World

About Us

---->Hi...Welcome to Tom & Mini Samuel's World...Let us introduce ourselves... We recently got married (12-23-99) in Tiruvalla, Kerala in INDIA. Tom is presently a resident physician in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department Of Medicine in Nashville, TN. Mini is a physician too, currently terrifying pedestrians, learning to drive :) --> Both of us will be moving to Philadelphia in June, 2001 where Tom will begin his fellowship in heme/onc medicine at Fox-Chase Cancer Center/Temple University.. We both feel extremely lucky to have been so abundantly blessed by the good Lord, and look forward to the challenges he has in store for us. For pictures of our wedding click here (I) or here (II). We both have an eager desire to serve the Lord in our lives and honor our Savior in our family life. We covet your prayers as we both enter this new stage in our lives together.

---->A little about Tom: I graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Medicine with my degree in medicine. Prior to that I obtained a B.A. in Biochemistry from Swarthmore College in PA. I was born in Jersey City, NJ, but have spent most of my life in Lake Ronkonkoma, NY. My parents are from a town called MYLAPRA in Kerala, India, which I consider to be my homeland and where I hope to return one day. My native tongue is Malayalam which I can speak and read. I am also a born-again Christian and I worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at my home church, India Gospel Assembly in Elmont, NY, which is a gathering of the Plymouth Brethren.
-->Besides my faith, my other passions include Christian Music (see below), Christian history & theology, volleyball, baseball (NY Mets fan...), basketball (NY Knicks fan...), and football (Dallas Cowboys and NY Jets can stop laughing now...) Anyway, I hope to complete my residency in Internal Medicine here at Vandy this June, and go on to a fellowship in cancer medicine at Fox-Chase Center in Philadelphia. I hope to develop a ministry to those cancer patients near the end of their lives who require compassion and the saving grace of Christ. I know it sounds kinda high-minded, but it's only a dream that's in the Lord's hands...

---->A little about Mini: I was born in T.M.M. Hospital, Tiruvalla, a small town in Kerala,India. I did most of my primary schooling in Kuwait where I lived with my aunt and uncle, after which I went to boarding school in Bangalore, India (Baldwin Girls High School). Then I did my pre-degree in Jyothi Nivas College in Bangalore as well. I studied medicine at J.J.M. Medical College in Davangere, Karnataka, India. After completing my studies, I went back to my hometown, where I had the opportunity to work at the hospital where I was born. It was a truly fulfilling and challenging experience.
-->By the grace of God and His wonderful leading I later met and married my husband. We met in August '99 and got married in December of that same year... Those few months were a wonderful time spent getting to know each other, even though it was mostly long distance...Well in our case absence did make the heart grow fonder!!... Then began the long and seemingly endless wait for me to join him in the U.S... as it is said...This too shall God's perfect time... And so now we are here together finally and we are moving on from here looking to the Lord to guide us and show us the way.....

--->In any case, we hope you enjoy our homepage where we've included some interesting links and some thoughts that we think are important... ENJOY...

This page last updated on 4-8-01...TEXT/LINKS added !!

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