Peter Paul Bohnwagner
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Peter Paul Bohnwagner

February 18, 1949---October 26, 1970

I met Pete when I was only 16yrs old and he is someone I will
never forget! We had such good times together and he had such a good
 Always made people smile..and that "smile" of his was
something really special. I fell in love with him from the start..(guess
it was love at first sight) We ended up having a daughter together, she
was born February 15, 1968 and she turned out to be a real blessing.
She Is God's "Gift" To Me!!

Her name is "Gina"

I do realize that we should have been married but it just could not happen.
We were going to be married "when he returned" but he never did!
Something very sad to me was that I went to his funeral and when I returned
from the cemetery I received a letter from him!! It was terrible!
It takes time to get letters from Viet Nam and that is just the way it 
turned out! He was already dead when I received the letter!
He was born in Germany

He came to the United States as a little boy with his family
He was raised in Slate Hill, N.Y.
His mother, brother Deiter, and sister Evelyn reside in Slate Hill NY
He had a "nickname" everyone called him "Bo"
Anyway....I wanted to dedicate this page to him...even tho it didn't turn
out the way I "wanted" it to..he died a "hero" he died for his country.
So many lives were lost..but one day we will see them in heaven!

Your Life Had A Reason!

I thank you for your gift to me
I wished that you could stay;
But that just wasn't possible
The war got in our way.

You suffered so much pain
You did all you could do;
Only memories will remain
For me to cherish you.

Thank you for our daughter
You'd be so proud to see;
The woman she's become
Part of you and me!!

One day we will meet
In heaven up above;
Looking to our Saviour
Surrounded by his love!

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