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Son Goku

Son Goku is the primary hero of the Dragon Ball series. The series started out with Goku as a child of age 12. Once he grew up and his son was born, the TV series' name changed from Dragonball to Dragonball Z. At the end of the series, Goku was roughly 45 years old. Goku is a Saiyan (or it is spelt Saiyajin but we prefer Saiyan) whose native world is the planet Vegita. He was sent to Earth in a space capsule right after he was born so he could conquer the planet. However, he hit his head and lost his "programming," thus becoming the kinder, gentler Goku we see in the series. Goku was raised as a human on Earth by Gohan (not his son), and did not learn of his true nature until his brother Radits came to Earth. He detests being a Saiyan and considers himself a human. Later, when Goku's rage was awakened by witnessing the death of his friend Krillan (Also spelt Kulilin), his Super Saiyan power was awakened. When he goes Super Saiyan his eyes turn green and his hair gold. Currently, Goku can go to the 3rd stage of Super Saiyan power. Please visit our pic page to see some awesome Saiyan pics.

Son Gohan

Son Gohan is Goku's first son. At the end of the series he was 26 years old. For a short while after the second time Goku died in the series, Gohan became the primary character. Gohan is the most powerful non-fused character in the DBZ world, but lacks the love of fighting his father has and thus rarely uses his full strength. Gohan is a very good-natured boy and unlike his father, hates fighting, although for a while he was more powerful. He is truly one of the most poweful beings ever. He is very polite towards just about everyone except to his enemies, and when he's pissed off. He has an extreme power sleeping inside of him that is awakened whenever something he loves is threatened. He is a force to be reckoned with whenever enraged. Everyone always underestimates him as a kid but he uses his sensitivity to his advantage. Gohan is very bright and studies very hard, although this is somewhat due to the wishes of his very strict mother, Chi Chi. Gohan is the first character in the series to go Super Saiyan level 2, during the Cell Game; the power of his anger was kindled by watching his friends get beaten up, and the death of Artificial Human #16 sent him over the edge. It was roughly at this time that the series switched main characters from Goku to Gohan.


Piccolo is Goku's old rival. He was born after Goku killed his father when he was a kid (accidentally by turning into the monstrous ape in the full moon); in his last breath the old Piccolo spat out an egg, and the new Piccolo hatched.

That is one of the things rumored to how Piccolo was made but the true reason how it happened was that Kame was trying to get rid of all the evil in his spirit. Unfortunately he did thusforth creatig Piccolo.

Piccolo then went on to fight Goku in the final round of the Tenkaichi-Budokai, which he subsequently lost by a very close margin. Piccolo is a native of the planet Nameck, although he doesn't learn this for quite some time after his first appearance. As a Nameck, he can regenerate almost any part of his body lost. (usually the arms) He can also extend the range of his arms till they're really long. Later, he goes to Nameck to help Krillan, Goku, Gohan, and Vegita fight Freeza (Also spelt Freezer) After the Tenkaichi-Budokai, Piccolo becomes more and more of a "good guy." Eventually he becomes Goku's friend; fairly recently he got pissed off at Trunks and Goten for calling Goku weak. Once one of the most powerful characters in the series, he can be considered a "high class fighter," and strong among the Z fighters. Although he acts like he doesn't care about anyone it is very untrue. Gohan taught him how to have emotions. Piccolo always challenges Goku early in the series but they eventually become friends.


Vegita is the "bad guy among the good guys." He first made his appearance back when Gohan was 4. Although he fights alongside the other Z fighters, he is still decidedly evil. As the prince of the Saiyans, he is very proud, has a huge ego, and is constantly trying to prove that he is the best fighter in the universe. Vegita has a continual rivalry with Goku, or "Kakarott," (Goku's Saiyan name) and is obsessed with beating him in combat just to show that he is the stronger. This obsession with trying to be stronger than Goku proves to be a fairly large weakness as well. Despites his efforts to show otherwise, Vegita has changed and has developed a conscience, and deep down cares about his friends. Furthermore, he is also somewhat emotional at heart. He demonstrates this when dealing with his son Trunks, most notably just before he died trying to kill Majin-Buu. Although he pretends to hate Goku with a passion in reality he respects his power and maybe even likes him a bit. He is probably so pissy because he is a Saiyan prince while a lower classmen is more powerful than him. Also I believe he is so pissy because everone calls him vegetable head.


Trunks is Vegita's son. In his future, all of the Z fighters were killed by the Artificial Humans, except for Goku, who died of heart disease. Trunks travels 20 years back in time to give medicine to Goku so he can survive this disease and defeat the Artificial Humans. Trunks' returning in time alters the past in other ways which can be seen later. After giving the medicine to Goku, Trunks goes back to his own time, but returns again three years later to help the Z fighters battle the Artificial humans. During this time, he becomes extremely powerful and surpasses every other one of the Z fighters except for Gohan and (maybe) Goku. Trunks is the man. He uses his sword to slice and dice. The Trunks here, "Future Trunks" and the "current Trunks" are radically different characters. "Future Trunks" is very polite like Gohan and has very strong values, but the current "Chibi Trunks" has a bad attitude and is somewhat like his father. Chibi Trunks never truly reaches the power level of his future counterpart; possibly because he lived through mostly peaceful times, whereas Future Trunks did not.

Bulma Bulma

is the second character to appear in the series, and has been a major character in both DB and DBZ. She created the "Dragon Radar" which can sense the location of the Dragon Balls by the radiation they emit, and was the one who first started the search for the Dragon Balls. She is also Trunks' and Bra's mother. She is a major influence on almost all of the major characters and is most notably the only character who was able to "tame" Vegita. Her father also built the space ship for Goku's trip to Nameck. We have a nude pic of her in our pic page. She is very annoying and wimpy.


One of the first characters to appear in the series, Yamucha was originally Goku's enemy, but soon became friends with him. Yamucha is characterized by a constantly changing hairstyle and an intense fear of women. (at least at the beginning) He was somewhat of an important character during the first series but less so in the second, being the weakest of all the Z fighters.He and Krillin are the only human Z fighter unless you count Trunks and all of the other half Saiyan kids because they are half breeds. He loves to impress the women especially Bulma but always messes up. He also got his awesome sports cruiser destroyed in Tree Of Might, sucks for him.


Chichi is Gyumao's daughter, who also first appeared about the same time as he did. After the first time we see Gyumao and Chichi they don't reappear for a long time (in the manga). The next time we see Chichi, she gets married to Goku. Therefore, she is also Gohan and Goten's mother. Her distinguishing trait is her temper; she gets mad a LOT. She is a very overprotective mother, which is probably justified in that her son is constantly drawn into fights against some of the toughest people in the universe. She wants Gohan to become an Astronaut or something like that which would be a true waste. I personally hate her. She sucks.


Krillan is Goku's best friend, and has been around since the first series. He is a fighting monk who leaves his temple to find and train with Mutenroshi. He is kind of short, has no nose and throughout most of the series, has no hair either. Krillan trained with Goku under Mutenroshi and afterwards shared many adventures with him. Krillan has died more times than anyone else in the series. He is one of the weaker fighters, but this is partially due to his low self-confidence. Nevertheless, he has gotten fairly powerful due to all his fights with the really powerful enemies, and I think is the next strongest Z fighter after Piccolo. He becomes good friends with Gohan probably because they are almost the same height in the beginning. He is caring and will do almost anythig for his friends. Just imagine being Krillan. that would really suck. He fights guys who are like 4 times biger and stronger than him.

Son Goten:

Goten is Goku's second son, and a dead ringer for Goku when he was a little kid. At the end of the series, Goten was 17 and looked nothing like Goku though. Goten is very powerful for someone his age, although he is a little bit naive like his father. He can fuse with Trunks to become Gotenks, one of the most powerful characters in the series.


Using the Fusion, Goten and Trunks can fuse into Gotenks. Gotenks is very powerful, second only to Gohan and Vegitt, and also is the only character other than Goku that can change to Super Saiyan 3. However, he has a huge ego which gets him in trouble. He is a rather large man. Gotenks is often used as comic relief as well.

Vegitt and Gogeta

When Goku and Vegita fuse using the, they become Vegitt (Vegita+Kakarott=Vegitt), the most powerful character in the DBZ world. When Vegita and Goku fuse with the earrings of Kaioshen they become Vegetto and when they do manual fusion its called Gogeta. They are two different fusions. Like Gotenks, Vegitt has a huge ego.


Videl (also spelt Beedle) is Mr. Satan's daughter, and is the same age as Gohan. While not nearly as strong as any of the other Z fighters, she is a lot better than her father. She is in Gohan's high school class and uncovers his identity of "Great Saiyaman." Eventually she and Gohan get married.


Pan is Gohan and Beedel's daughter. She first appears in the last two installments of the manga before it ended. Needless to say, we never get to learn a lot about her before the series ends. She looks just like Beedel did at 16, just a lot smaller. She's pretty tough in a fight for her age and size, and certainly has the potential to become fairly strong.

Raditts or Raditz

Raditts is the first villain to appear in the second series. He is Goku's older brother, and traveled to Earth to see whether or not his brother Kakarott had conquered the planet. He is savage and rather anoying. Upon learning of Goku's "reprogramming," Raditts demanded that Goku kill 100 Earthlings and show the bodies to him, or else he would kill Gohan, who was only 4 at the time. Goku and Piccolo chased after him, and after a battle, managed to kill him. However, Goku sacrificed himself by holding Raditts in place while Piccolo could attack, and was killed in the same blow (the special beam cannon). Raditts sucks and has messed up hair. His hair would be decent if it wasn't receeding.

Nappa and the Saibaimen

Nappa is a large, bald Saiyan who was Vegita's caretaker as a child, and came to Earth the same time he did. He is awesome especailly when he blew up the navy. He was the Military ruler of Vegita (The Planet not the Saiyan). The Saibaimen were seeds that Nappa brought with him to earth that could hatch into small fighting humanoids when planted in the ground. The Saibaimen killed Yamucha, but were then all the rest except for one were destroyed by Krillan. Piccolo picked up the last one However, Nappa then managed to kill Tenshinhan, Chaozu and Piccolo before Goku could come to help. He didn't really kill Chauzu though, because he bravely Kamikazee attacked him to no avail. Goku defeated Nappa, who was promptly killed by Vegita for his failure. Which is very ironic considering Nappa raised him and all. Nappa was the man, second in the bad guy greats to Recoome.

Zarbon and Dodoria

Zarbon and Dodoria are Freeza's two top henchman. Dodoria is a large, bloated alien with a spiky head, and Zarbon is an alien that looks like a human but has the ability to transform into a powerful reptilian-like creature. They had traveled to Nameck to assist Freeza in his search for the Dragon Balls. While chasing Gohan, Dodoria ran into Vegita and was killed by him. Zarbon likewise ran into Vegita in a search for a Dragon Ball, but when Vegita attacked him Vegita beat him up pretty bad. Then Zarbon transformed into his reptilian form and won. He then left after slamming him face first into the ground. It was pretty funny. However, at their second confrontation, Vegita killed Zarbon.

The Ginyu Force

When Vegita, Gohan, and Krillin started causing trouble on Nameck, Freeza called the Ginyu Force, a five-man elite fighting force. They are fairly famous throughout the galaxy and often show off in (ridiculous) battle formations. The members of the Ginyu Force are: Guldo, a small, four-eyed creature with the ability to stop time, Jees, a human-like being with long hair, Baata, a reptilian humanoid, Recoome, a very large humanoid who can take a LOT of punishment, and the leader Ginyu, who has the power to change bodies with his target. Guldo and Jees were killed by Vegita, Recoome and Baata were beaten by Goku, (and then immediately killed by Vegita) and Ginyu was effectively stopped when Goku threw a frog into his body-changing beam, thus turning him into a frog. You can find out more about the Ginyu Force on our Ginyu Force page.


Freeza is probably one of the three most important villains during all of the DBZ series; he was the major bad guy for nearly eight manga volumes and roughly 40 TV episodes, and the actual fight against Freeza was the longest, most drawn-out battle in the entire series. Freeza is an alien bent on controlling the entire universe, and wanted to make himself immortal using the Namek Dragon Balls. He is also the leader of a large fighting squadron. Freeza hates all Saiyans, especially Vegita. Freeza has the ability to transform himself three times with each form more powerful than the last. After his final transformation, he killed Dende and Vegita before Goku could come and fight him. Goku apparently killed him with a Genki-Dama (spirit bomb), but he survived and killed Krillan, upon which Goku went Super Saiyan for the first time. Again, Goku apparently killed Freeza, but he managed to survive to come back to Earth as a half-cyborg one year later. Freeza is pretty gay and looks and sounds like a girl. Him being the color purple does't help either. He is the equivalent of Tinky Winky if you think about it. However, when Freeza came to Earth Trunks made his first appearance and finished him off for good.


Cell is Dr. Gero's "Ultimate Artificial Human." He is completely organic, made up of the cells of Goku, Vegita, Piccolo, and Freeza, all collected during their various battles on Earth by a spy robot. He has a long tail with which he can absorb humans and take their energy. If he absorbs #17 or #18, then he changes his shape and gets a huge power up. If he manages to absorb both, then he goes "Kanzentai," his perfect form. He manages to do this and becomes so powerful that none of the Z fighters can come even close. Cell is in many ways very similar to Goku, in that he lives to fight strong opponents. Hoping to have a fun battle, he holds the "Cell Game," a tournament like the Tenkaichi-Budokai. He says that if nobody can beat him in a one-on-one fight, he will destroy the Earth. Goku tries to beat Cell but could not, so he makes Gohan fight him instead. Gohan manages to kill Cell, but not before Cell kills Goku.


Turlis is one of the saiyans. He does not get much credit though. He is the main bad guy in "Tree of Might" he looks like an exact duplicate of Goku since they are extremely close kin. He plants the tree of might so he can get the energy it saps to make him near invincible. Surprise, surprise his plan fails. He reminds me of Freeza because they both are the leaders of fighting squadrons who in the end fail. We will not list the names of all the people in his little wannabe Ginyu Force becuase they are not noteworthy. The show severely contradicts itself because they say several times that their was only 4 saiyans but Turlis makes 5. He is powerful except gets killed by Goku in the long run by underestimating the powers of good and the gay as all hell Spirit Bomb.


Icarus is a pink dragon that is extremely cute. It is Gohan's dragon after he bravely saved him from a burning forest. Not very important. Is only in "Tree of Might". It does save Gohan though and helps him fight. Other than that, he is of no use even though he is so adorable. I think he should have been a main character. He is my favorite character by far. He is pretty brave and has a strong bond with Gohan. Chi Chi does not like him and thinks Gohan should not have a pet. Goku of course is on Gohan's side. DOWN WITH CHI CHI!


Possibly the most annoying, weakest, cowardly guy in the whole series. Just a stupid fat guy that just eats and eats. Not very important. He is very, very lazy. He cuts off Vegita's tail in the fight against Vegita. He does some other stuff btu i don't really care because he SUCKS!

Master Roshi

Is the one who brought up Goku after the old gohan died. Is a nice guy but a "dirty" old man. Dropped Goku on his head which canceled his "programming". Also taught Goku how to fight when he was young but was not his only master. Has an extremely low power level of 70. But he still has his skill and some of his speed which he shows off in The World's Strongest. Not exactly a very important character. Has a good sense of humor even though everyone makes fun of him.

Dr. Willow

Is the main bad guy in The World's Strongest. Is an evil doctor who was thought to be dead but his brain still lived on inside this ultra fighting machine. He is supposedly extremely smart, except like everybody, he underestimates the power of Goku and the gay as all hell Spirit Bomb. Is extremely strong except has an obvious weakpoint of his brain container due to its glass origin. He planned upon having his brain implanted to Goku's body, thusforth making an ultra being. I do not think Dr. Willow is that smart though even though he has an enormous brain. How would it fit in Goku's head? His brain appeared to be like a four foot ball.


Is that cat guy who grows sensu beans. Not very important but he does have a cool voice. He is a selfish bum for not teaching everyone else how to plant sensu beans. He sucks.


Madter Roshi's talking turtle. Not very important, has a power level of .001. Is extremely slow. i would like to see him fight. e coud probably beat the hell out of Yajirobee.


Is a little Nameck who can fly. Not very important. He gets killed by Freeza, :...( oh well. You shall remain in our hearts forever and ever. He becomes guardian of the Earth when Kame dies.


Is a big fat slob of a Nameck. How did he get so fat if all that Namecks eat is water? Is the savior of the Nameck race. He gave birth to all the Namecks. He powers up Gohan and Krillin by unleashing their "hidden strength". I think he is lying he is just making them think they are stronger than they are. Not very important other than that. Maybe he could fight if he could move his big fat green butt.


One of my favorites! Is almost as good as Icarus,... almost. Is King Kai's monkey that he uses as the first step of training. Not exactly very intelligent. But it is probably smarter than Nappa.


King Kai's cricket thingy. I hate him. I absolutely detest him. He is so conceited. He is used as the third step of training. I was glad when he was hit with the mallet by Goku. I ( almost peed myself when Chaozu hit him with the mallet, that was the second funniest thing I have ever seen. Ask me what the funniest thing I have ever seen if you really want to know.

King Kai

Is the one that trains all of the ESF (Earth Special Forces). Is annoying and has telepathy and talks to Goku frequently. Lives in his own little world (seriously) and thinks he is funny. He tells really bad jokes. He also abuses his animals (Gregory and Bubbles) by making his trainees cream them with mallets. What a sick, sick man. Is a legendary fighter except he seems a bit pudgy to fight. Trains all of the best good guys including the ESF and Goku.

The Eternal Dragon

Is one of the coolest characters although he is a buttmunch for trying to kill Icarus. He is like a genie except you have to work for your wish by finding all 7 dragon balls. He is the main problem with the universe because everyone wants to be immortal. He does do cool entrances and exits though. He is friggin huge to boot. He has a bad temper and no patience. The one on Nameck is different than the Earth's Eternal Dragon.


Is that wimpy pig guy. I hate him, he is such a wuss. He is worse than Yajirobee. Is good friends with like all the good guys. Although for being a pansy he does travel a lot and does a lot of expeditions. Why does he travel so much to dangerous regions if he is so weak?


Baba is Master Roshi's sister. She is the witch. She is not that important except she does show all the non fighters what's going on in the Nappa and Vegita fight. How is she so little? She must have shrunk a lot. Master Roshi and Baba's parents must have been really short too.

Garlic Jr.

Is the son of guess who, Garlic. Garlic isn't noteworthy so he isn't in our list of characters. If you really think he deserves to be, mail me. Garlic Jr. He is one of the only people who is granted immortality. Only Garlic, and Garlic Jr. become immortal. He is the prime evil in Deadzone. Once he is granted immortality he turns humongous and a million times more powerful. He beats the bejeesus out of Goku and Piccolo but then he gets blased with an awesome kamaya maya like thig from both of them and they think he is dead. He then gets up from the rubble he is in and creates a deadzone. A deadzone is like a black hole that sends you to another dimension forever. Like everybody, he underestimates the power of a pissed off saiyan and gets his butt kicked by Gohan. Gohan killed him without even touching him. Gohan powered up to an extremely high level and the sonic wave things knocked him into the deadzone. He still lives on though he is just trapped in another dimension. Maybe he will come back, maybe...


Tien is the three eyed guy. He is very shy and mild mannered. Is not that strong and not that important in the Z series although he was a decent fighter in the original series.

Chao Tsu

Is the little flying guy. What is he? He is not human. He looks a lot like a doll. It was awesome when he hit Gregory with the mallet. He is one of my favorites. He has a lot of guts especially when he did that kamikaze attack to Nappa. For such a little guy he is pretty brave and strong.


Is Earth's guardian. He made Piccolo by getting rid of his evil side. He is much nicer than Piccolo. He can't fight quite as good though because he is an old fogey. Is good friends with Mr. Popo. They also live together. (Does anyone else see anything fishy about that?) He does help a very little in the fight against Garlic Jr. in Deadzone. Other than that, he does not do much fighting considering he is the guardian of the Earth..

Mr. Popo

He is the companion of Kami. Does anyone know his race? He is not that important of a character excpet he does help everyoe by giving them Kamis spaceship and telling them how to use it. Don't you think it is rather peculiar that two grown humanoid thingys are companions? He has a cool flying carpet. I wish my carpet could fly :*(.


Brolly is the legendary Super Saiyan. He was thought to have accidentally destroyed the planet Vegita but he didn't guess who did............. Freeza. Freeza really pisses me off. Brolly is thought to be dead but he shows up every 1,000 years. He is pure power that takes on the shape of a saiyan.

Cyborg 17 Juunanagou

Juunanagou is the most powerful Cyborg to appear in the series. He is notably evil is the Future Trunks Timeline. He and his twin, Juuhachigou, destroyed more than half the population of Chikyuu. In the normal timeline, however, he was brought to life after the major purge of the western capital. His master, Dr. Gero brought him to life to stop the Z warriors that were approaching his lair. Juuhachigou was also brought to life. Juunanagou detested Gero enough to kill him as the Z warriors figure out how to open the mechanical door between the secret lair. Juunanagou is the most serious about fighting, and has the most pride about his techniques. His first purpose was to kill Gokou, he never succeed in his mission, and also ended up helping Gokou, by giving up energy to complete the spirit bomb that killed buu. He was the first cyborg to be absorbed by Cell, simply becuase he didn't run when he should have. He later appears in GT when Dr. Gero reappears with his accomplice Dr. Myuu. With them they bring Hellfighter Juunanagou, to fuse with 'old' Juunanagou. When they fused they turned into Super Juunanagou, who tried to kill Gokou, but didn't succeed. Thanks to Ryver for this information.

That's it for now. If you have any requests for more characters on this page mail Also tell why that character is noteworthy and give a short description. Also email if you would like for me to add on more to each persons description.

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