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Show Displays

This is the proper way to display your truck at a show. Judges above all look for cleanliness, so even if your vehicle doesn't have alot of modifications, you can still pick up alot of points for clean interiors and exteriors. I once got an extra ten points for unusually clean door jambs, so I'm telling you it works!!

Judges will give you points on even the smallest things, so make sure you have everything that came with the car and anything you can thing of that may come handy. Original jacks, tires, owners manuals, and even price stickers can get you points. Make sure all of these are neatly displayed so that the judge can see them. Chiltons manuals, flashlights, air compressors, and just about anything that could be found handy in a road situation will bring you points as well.

Modifications bring BIG points, so do as many of them as you can, plain and simple!! I don't think I need to give examples here, you know what looks cool and what doesn't!! Attention to detail will also help you, such as your name on the door or special designs in the paint...get creative that's what this hobby's about!!

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