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On November 6 and 7, The San Antonio Spurs will play The Minnesota Timberwolves at The Tokyo Dome for their first regular season openers.It will be the first time to play in the Tokyo Dome for both teams.The most anticipated matchup will be when Tim Duncan of The Spurs gaurds Kevin Garnett of The T-Wolves.

There is still more problems between the Evander Hollyfield and Lenox Lewis match.It seems that one of the judges had some money problems and when giving the match to Tyson thought her problems would end.Investigaters are looking into the case.

Wayne Gretzky retired after his final game against The Pittsburgh Penguins.No one in hockey will ever wear the number 99 ever again.He finished his career with one more assist but Jagr scored the final goal in overtime to allow The Penguins to win.

Retirement is in the air.First Jordan then Gretzky and now after April 24, John Elway is going to retire.He has thought of returning to Denver to lead The Denver Broncos to it's third NFL Championship but has decided that he was getting to old for the game and would like to spend more time with his family.

Jesse Jackson has done it.After talking to Kosovo officials Jackson had made an agreement with the officials.Soon the POWs will be back home and welcomed with a celebration.

Over 8,000 people rallied to protest against the NRA.The 8,000 people talked about the shootings and how guns should be more secured from children.Some people say that guns should be banned against immature adults.

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