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Ralph Wiggum


Ralph wears his heart on his sleeve and often his lunch as well.Yet what Ralph lacks in brains he makes up for with his enourmous capacity to annoy.When he was learning to ride a bicycle it took him three years to get beyond training wheels. He even wore them to bed,hoping to capitalize on his widly sucessful portrayal of George Washington in "Hooray for Presidents Day."Ralph permanently glueda powdered wig to his head.Unfortunately,his new popularity strangely ebbed when it became necessary to cut the wig to treat his scalp for ringworms.


Grade:In his first year of fourth grade

Accomplished at:Sleeping and Acting

Connections:Father is the Chief of Police

Happiest day:When the doctor told him he didn't have worm anymore

Favorite foods:Cruncy dog biscuits,lucicous grass,juicy mud pies and sweet,mouth-watering paste.

Shame:His parents won't let him use scissors or the oven

Future profession:Cafeteria cook, principle or a caterpillar

Misses most:The point
