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"Hi, Everyone!"

Trunks turned towards the voice and grinned. Goku stood at the doorway, Chichi clamped to his side. He was already dressed in his tux, so it was safe to assume that he had gone home before going to the church. Gohan and Goten threw themselves at the father they hadn't seen in nearly five years. Vegeta and Trunks stood at a respectful distance as Goku's family jabbered excitedly around him. Above their heads, Goku and Vegeta smiled at each other; or at least Goku smiled. Vegeta sneered. But it was a respectful sneer. Goku then greeted Krilin, Mr. Satan, and Yamcha with hugs.

At last, Chichi left the room to tend to her granddaughter. The men had gathered in a separate room, as stated by tradition, to get dressed.

"This was surprise, Trunks," Goku said, clapping him on the back. "The last thing I expected was for you and Pan to get married."

"You and everyone else, Dad," Gohan said, throwing Trunks an unreadable glance. He hadn't quiet completely forgiven Trunks for staying with Pan for a week.

"Don't be such a stick in the mud!" Mr. Satan exclaimed loudly. "They're in love."

Vegeta fidgeted in his suit, the ties of his bowtie hanging down. Trunks went to tie it and he did it with an expert touch. Gohan checked his watch while Krilin fiddled with his hair. Goten sat in contemplative silence, and Goku stood next to Yamcha and just watched.

"We have five minutes," Gohan told them.

Trunks felt the knot that had formed in his stomach the night he'd proposed to Pan and Gohan get tighter. Goten must have noticed him pale. He took Trunks by the shoulders and led him to a chair.

"Just breathe," he advised wisely. "You'll be fine."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" Vegeta grinned smugly.

"No, I'm just...just..."

"It's understandable to be nervous," Gohan said, patting his future son-in-law on the shoulder. "I know I was when I was getting married."

"So was I," Goku added.

"Me, too," Krilin agreed.

"I can't relate," Goten and Yamcha said.

"Hmph," Vegeta grunted.

"So much for the father-son talk," Goten chuckled.

Both Trunks and Vegeta glared at him. He smiled angelically. Gohan hauled Trunks to his feet. He straightened his tuxedo jacket and bowtie.

"It's time. Are you ready?" he asked. His eyes silently asked, Are you sure about this?

Trunks took a deep breath. "Yes." More than you'll ever know.

Pan allowed Chichi, Bulma, and Videl to fuss over her dress. She stood on a platform that put them in the right height to fiddle with her skirt, in front of a full length mirror. In the reflection, she could see Bura, #18, and Marron watching her. Marron smiled at Pan. Pan smiled back. Marron was one of her bridesmaids. As Trunks' sister, and Pan's good friend, Bura was the Maid of Honor.

Finally, Videl placed the veil on her daughter's head. Pan peeked at everyone from behind the gauze. They were all staring at her with awe.

"You look beautiful," Bulma said in a hushed voice. "My son is a lucky, lucky man and if he ever forgets that, you just send him over Pan, and I'll straighten him out."

Pan laughed. "Thank you, Bulma."

"There's someone here to see you, Pan," Chichi said, opening the door.

Goku stepped into the room, a wide smile on his face as he saw his granddaughter. Pan let out a gasp and started for him, but he zipped to her side, seeing that she was having trouble moving in her dress. He gently drew her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"Hi, Pan," he said simply.

"Grandpa, I'm glad you could come," she said tearfully.

"It's time, Pan," Videl said, dabbing away a tear.

Goku helped her down from the platform. Her train was ten feet long and trailed behind her, hampering her walk. Marron and Bura picked it up, to help her along. #18 handed her the bouquet of lilies of the valley Trunks had bought for her. The white flowers hung down from her hands.

Automatic flowers, she thought happily. Now I'll always be getting automatic flowers.

The church doors were closed so that the bridal court could make an entrance. Gohan, Yamcha, Goten, the other bridesmaids, and ushers were there waiting for them. Chichi and Goku went into the church along with #18 after giving Pan a tender look. An usher opened the doors and everyone turned to look at them. Marron took Yamcha's proferred arm, and Bura took Goten's. The bridal court started to make their way down the aisle.

Gohan, his eyes suspiciously bright, kissed his daughter's cheek.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too, Dad," Pan said.

Videl kissed them both and went into the church where everyone was waiting.

"You're sure about this?" Gohan asked.

"I love him, Dad."

Gohan smiled. "I know, but I had to ask."

Finally, Pan and Gohan began their walk. Each pew was decorated with a bouquet of lilies of the valley and ribbons. It all looked beautiful.

Everyone stood and gasped at the sight of Pan. Like all brides, she glowed. But she didn't see the admiration of the guests, all she saw was Trunks waiting for her at the end of her march. Trunks found himself unable to look away and he was amazed that someone as incredible as Pan loved him.

At last, Gohan relinquished her to Trunks and the priest began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

It all went by in a blur. Before Pan knew it, Goten was handing the ring to Trunks, and he was slipping it over her finger. Bura laid the ring in Pan's hand and she slid it onto his. Trunks grasped her hand, and smiled lovingly at her.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest said, smiling.

Trunks grinned down at Pan, as she smiled dreamily up at him. He lifted her veil and kissed her. Behind them, the guests cheered.

To 'A Moment In Time'
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