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Chapter Three

Alderon was a busy town with carriages and ground cars crowding the cobbled streets. It was nestled in a green valley between two large mountains and was hidden from Zarkon's warpath. The buildings were as untouched as the day they were first built and there was a feeling of tranquility and just plain niceness in the place.

The Voltron Force walked down the sidewalks, peering into shop windows. Pidge was particularly interested in the candy shop as was Hunk, and they split up from the group to explore. They planned to meet in front of City Hall in three hours. An instant later, Lance's eye was caught by a particularly leggy, redheaded young woman and he left to take up chase. Allura and Keith watched him amusedly.

"It's like letting the dog out," Keith observed.

"Poor girl. I hope he doesn't pester her to death."

"Hah!" was all Keith would say about that.

They walked down the streets, enjoying the new scenery and people. Allura played tour guide and pointed out interesting tidbits about the places they were seeing. She looped her arm through his companionably and they walked closely together, her head so near that sometimes it touched his to make sure that Keith would hear what she was saying above the noise. To the people passing, they looked like a couple. Fortunately, the "couple" never noticed.

They stopped at an outdoor cafe to get something to eat and drink. Allura placed the bag of purchases at her feet. She had bought a small souvenir for each of her friends, one for Coran, and another for Nanny. Keith had helped her pick them out. He had flatly refused to let her buy him anything, saying that being his tour guide was enough. She bought him something anyway when his back was turned. It was a small crystal replica of Alderon's founder, a man legendary for his courage, intelligence and leadership. She wondered if statues of Keith would be sold at this store one day, for he mirrored the man almost perfectly. In Allura's opinion, he was all the man was and more.

Keith sipped his cold drink and then took a bite of the meat patty he had ordered. Allura ate her hot fudge sundae with relish, explaining that Nanny limited her sweets and she was making the best of this day.

"Protest," Keith advised, half-jokingly, half-seriously. "You're old enough to make your own decisions about food."

Allura chucked. "It's good for me," she said. "Keeps me fit."

Keith eyed her slim, long-legged, small-wasted figure appreciatively. He smiled slightly.

"I thought stress did that?"

"That helps too."

They ate and went over that afternoon's adventures. They only had an hour left and then they had to meet the rest of the team. Fleetingly, Keith wondered how Lance was doing. He smiled. Knowing his friend, Lance must have found someone already. He was a people person.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Allura said after he had voiced his thoughts. "He's just a few tables behind you."

Keith craned his head and saw Lance sitting at a table with a redhead. From the look on his friend's face and the woman's, he could tell Lance was doing alright.

"What a charmer," he said, laughter in his voice.

Allura studied him and wondered why he did not have someone special that he could spend time with. He was attractive and he surely had a following on Arus, being the Captain of the famous Voltron Force. She knew that she would be hurt and not a little jealous if he did find someone, she wasn't going to lie to herself about that, but if it was what he wanted she would understand.

Keith turned to her and saw the gears turning in her head. Somehow, he knew exactly what she was thinking. He reached over and squeezed her hand, smiling warmly. She smiled back, somewhat reassured, but the thought loomed over her head like an ominous shadow.

"Why don't we walk some more," Keith suggested, wanting to avert her attentions to more pleasant pursuits.

"We can walk around the park," Allura said, picking up his train of though. "They have beautiful statues there. There are even painters. It's like an outdoor museum."

"Sounds good," he said and held out his hand.


Pidge and Hunk gobbled up the sweets they had bought as they waited for Allura, Keith, and Lance to show up. Pidge had chocolate smeared on his round cheeks, but he didn't seem to care. Neither did Hunk. They looked like two perfectly content people. Keith and Allura were the first to arrive at their meeting place, their dark and light heads close together as they talked and laughed. They looked up in unison and waved when they saw Hunk and Pidge.

"How did your day go?" Allura asked them.

Pidge held up his bad. "We visited all the candy and chocolate shops in town."

"It was a good day," Hunk added after stifling what could have been an ear-splitting burp.

Keith and Allura were digging into the offered treats when Lance walked into their view, a dreamy smile on his face. Allura bit her lip to keep from smiling, but the other three just let loose.

"What's her name, Lover-Boy?" Hunk asked, with a nudge and a wink.

"Jenica," Lance replied. "She's beautiful."

"What's she doing with you then?" Keith teased.

Lance gave him a look. "She knows when she sees the pick of the litter."

Keith snorted. "More like the runt of the litter."

"He's the runt," Lance returned, chucking a thumb at Pidge.

In response, the younger boy curled his fists and tried to look as threatening as possible, but he only succeeded in reducing Lance to helpless pile of laughter. Allura put a hand on each of Pidge's shoulders and threw Lance a silencing look.

"Apologize to Pidge, Lance," she admonished. "That wasn't very nice of you."

Lance sobered and he regarded Pidge with as much respect as he could. "I'm sorry, kid. I was just teasing you."

Pidge smiled and offered him a slice of fudge and everything was well again. They made their way to the ground car and home.

The familiar metal gleam of Castle Control greeted Princess Allura as she emerged from the tube leading to the speeder that had taken her back from the Blue Lion. Coran turned in his chair when he heard the footsteps approaching.

"How did your day go?" he inquired.

"It was wonderful," Allura gushed before she could check herself. She beamed at Keith.

"We have to do this again sometime," Keith said, not breaking eye contact with her.

Lance nodded his head vigorously. "Alderon is a great place. I think I'll go back again next week."

"He met a girl," Hunk said to Coran in a stage whisper.

"I see. What's her name?" Coran asked.

"Jenica," Lance answered breathlessly.

The others twittered behind him, but he didn't seem to notice as he launched into a full description of his new lady friend.

"It should wear off in a week or so," Keith said to Allura out of the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know," Allura whispered back. "He looks like he means it."

"Oh, there's no mistaking his sincerity. It's how long that sincerity lasts is the issue."

Lance finished and leaned against the console. On the viewscreen before them, different scenery from all over Arus flashed every thirty seconds. In their region, darkness had settled in, and people were getting read to go to sleep. Pidge stifled a yawn.

"No problems today," Coran said, seeing him. "You can all rest now."

"Thank you, Coran," Allura said, leading the way out.

The team retreated to their respective rooms, only to be awakened four hours later by the alarm klaxons. They were in the command room within seconds, still in their pajamas.

On the viewscreen were several hundred of Zarkon's fighters...heading straight for Alderon. Lance gasped in shock and they wasted no time in getting to the Lions. The command console rose and revealed the five individual tubes. They got into the five different speeders that would take them to the Lions.

The command to insert the keys came from Keith through the communicators. Each Lion let out a mighty roar as it came to life. The Black Lion broke through its rock encasement and was joined by the Blue Lion bursting through the lake surrounding the castle. The others came moments later. They flew in formation, something that was reflexive.

"Ready team?" Keith said. "We need to save those people. And Lance, keep your cool."

"Don't I always?" Lance returned, filling his voice with false cheer that fooled no one.

"I hope there aren't any Ro-Beasts waiting for us," Pidge said worriedly.

"Me too," Allura agreed.

"A Ro-Beast," Lance echoed, horrified at the thought.

Don't worry, Lance," Hunk soothed as best he could. "She looked like a smart girl. She'll be ok."

"A lot of smart people don't come out ok," Lance said through white lips.

The communicators were silent as they flew to Alderon.

To Chapter Four
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