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There is no little enemy.

~Benjamin Franklin

Chapter Three

"Nice to see you, Pidge," Lance said.

Pidge fired on an incoming Doom fighter. It exploded in front of him and the Green Lion flew through its fiery remains. "Now that's a welcome!" he crowed. "How are we holding up?"

"The son of a bitch is trying to put soldiers on the ground," Keith replied through gritted teeth. "Keep an eye out for landers."

"Aye, aye."

"Where's Blue Lion?" Hunk asked. "We need everyone up here."

"Is Sven..." Lance couldn't put his thoughts into words.

"I am here, My Friend," Sven's said through their speakers. "I haf to stay in Castle Control. Dere ees no vone else here who can do it."

"Coran?" Keith asked.

"He ees close to death. Dey are trying to safe him." Sven's voice dropped to a whisper. "Lotor..."

"Absolutely not," Keith said tersely. "There is no way we're letting him fly a Lion and that's that, Sven."

"Acknowledged. But he has offered to join in again."

"Good. We need the help," Pidge said, relieved.

"Alert the rest of the fighters," Keith said. "But tell them to step lightly. If one of Lotor's fighters even so much as twitches a laser in their direction, I want them to fire."

"Vill do. Stay alive."

"That's Plan A through Z, Sven," Lance said.

"We have to split up," Hunk said. "It's getting too hairy out here and the smaller fighters need our back up."

"Join the fourth squadron, Hunk," Keith said. "Pidge you're with the third, and Lance you're with the second. I'll be with the first. Hack!"

The Lions split up, heading towards their squadrons, cutting through the swarm of enemy fighters between them and the Arusians.

"Sven, time until Alliance Fleet arrival?" Keith asked.

"Twenty minutes."

Keith swore under his breath. He looked at his scanners and saw that even with Lotor's men and the Vehicle Voltron team, they were sorely outnumbered. Spreading out the stronger fighters to aid the weakers ones was the best plan of action. He opened a channel to Jeff's vehicle.

"Vehicle one," Keith said. "Come in, Vehicle one."

"I hear you loud and clear, Keith," Jeff said.

"Split up and try to back up the Arusian squadrons," Keith said. "We're losing too many people out there."

"What about the big ships?"

"We'll take care of them when we finish with the fighters. We don't have the manpower to attack them and protect Arus at the same time. I leave it to you to organize it."

"I'm on it. Vehicle one out."

Allura stared at her hands. They were red and trembling. She had healed ten people in the last twenty minutes and despite her earlier rush of strength, she was feeling weak now. Nanny found her walking through the medwing, one hand against the wall.

"Romelle und Bandor are een exam room one," she said to the Princess. "You must go to dem."

"They can't stop..."

"Dey look vorse den you. You haf to do dis togeder now."

Allura nodded and went to her cousins. She took their hands and the fog lifted from her mind. They appeared to be feeling the same thing.

"I guess it's going to have to be a team effort from now on," she said.

"We have to hurry," Romelle said, wincing as a loud explosions seemed too close for comfort. "These people are needed."

"How many are left?"

"Fifty or so," Bandor answered. "The number is dropping steadily."

"Five minutes and I'm in the air," Allura told them. "I can't let them fight alone. They need me."

"We'll take care of everyone," Romelle assured her.

"Let's go," Bandor said.

Lotor steepled his fingers and watched the battle silently. His men were out there, fighting against their brothers with their sworn enemies. He felt no bond with his soldiers, but the situation was rather distasteful. He was firing on the Drule fighters as well, but not with any enthusiasm--he doubted he even made a scratch on any of their ships. He was still under the shield, telling the dolt in Castle Control that he was going to protect the towns. The stupid man was so harried he just agreed quickly and signed off.

It would have been nice to fly the Blue Lion, Lotor reflected. Ah well. Life isn't perfect.

"When do we make our move, Your Highness?" one soldier asked.

"Now. On my signal, blow the generator and point all guns to Castle Control," Lotor said, getting to his feet. "I want team number four with me. I'm going into the castle."

Allura ran through the corridors, pulling on the sleeves of a fresh flightsuit on as she ran. The scene in Castle Control was pure chaos, but she elbowed her way through.

"I'm taking the Blue, Sven," she called out.

"Vatch your back," he replied. "Keit, ve are losing power in shield number four."

"The one over Galantia?"


"We're on it. Tell Allura to hurry up. We needed the Blue up here five minutes ago."

Allura started for the chute when she felt the cold steel of a blaster at her neck. She took a deep shuddering breath and her hand slowly inched its way to her thigh where her own blaster was holstered.

"Don't even think it, Allura," Lotor said, his breath ruffling the hair at her nape. "Or your brains will be splattered all over the floor before you can say 'Checkmate'."

His Doom soldiers marched into the room, taking up positions surrounding the central area where Arusian soldiers stood in shock. Sven got to his feet slowly, his dark eyes taking in the situation.

"If you even move an inch, she dies," Lotor warned him. He took out his communicator and smiling ferally at his hostages said, "Do it."

"They've landed outside Voltronia!"

Pidge looked to his left and saw Drule and Doom soldiers marching towards the town. Gritting his teeth, he took a steep dive and flew low. Firing all his laser guns, he cut through their lines, taking out most of them, but not all. An Arusian fighter flew in behind him and took out the rest.

"Nice work," he said. "There's another lander coming in--"

His words were cut off by a loud explosion as three of the four shield power generators blew.

"SHIT!" Pidge yelled. 'What the f--"

"Castle Control!" Keith screamed. "What the hell happened to the generators??"

"I think they exploded, Keith," Lotor said smoothly.

"Where's Sven, Lotor?" Keith demanded, his gut tightening with fear.

"Right where you left him. And if you don't get back here in the next five minutes, he and your beloved Princess will meet their maker."

To Chapter Four
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