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I see light at the end of the tunnel.

~Walt W. Rostow, National Security Adviser, Dec. 1967

Chapter Nine

Bandor and Skech, dressed in Doom garb, led a small group of Arusians towards Castle Control. Earlier, they had sent a smaller group to free the others being held hostage in the Castle after first stopping at the main weapons locker, and loading up on everything they could get their hands on. Including a flash bomb. Through the Doomies' helmet radios, they had learned of Zarkon's actions in Castle Control. There would be no chance of them returning to the conference room via the vent. The only way to get in now was right through the door.

They had stopped in a corridor just off Castle Control to plan out their strategy. They could hear the gunfire inside and Skech prayed that they weren't too late.

"Bandor and I will go in first and throw the grenades to clear the room a little," he said to the Arusians. "After the smoke clears, we all go in."

"Watch our backs," Bandor said. "There are still Doomies roaming the corridors."

He and Skech exchanged a look. Without another word, they headed for the closed doors. Bandor punched in the access code and the doors slid open easily. Two Doomies who had been standing nearest to the doors turned with their blasters drawn, but lowered them when they saw who entered. Bandor smiled behind his helmet. He raised a gloved hand where he held a flash bomb and threw it in the middle of the group of Doomies firing into the conference room. Skech began to shoot as they backed out fast.

Bandor punched the button by the doors to close them and they heard the muffled blast of the bomb going off. Skech counted to ten before nodding at the waiting Arusian soldiers. Bandor opened the doors and they ducked behind the wall in case of any laser blasts. What they saw where Doom soldiers wandering around aimlessly. Blasters raised, Skech, Bandor, and the Arusians took them out easily.

"Don't kill Zarkon," Bandor said. "Tie him up."

"You could have warned us, Bandor," Lance called out. "I can't see a goddamn thing."

Bandor went into the conference room. Keith was helping Allura up. She was blinking rapidly, her hands flailing in the air. Keith and Gwen had been looking down when the bomb went off so they were unaffected.

"We need to get Sven to the medwing," Keith said to Bandor.

Bandor looked at Sven and winced. Blood covered his face and he held one hand over his left eye. Romelle held him tightly even though she couldn't see. Bandor helped him up.

"The way to the medwing is clear," he said to Keith. "I'll get him there."

"I'm going Bandor," Romelle said, holding her hand out.

"Can't risk it," Gwen said. "You can't see yet. They'll move faster without you."

"When does this wear off?" Romelle asked.

"Five minutes."

"We need to get in the air," Lance said, rubbing his eyes uselessly. "They need us up there."

"Five minutes, Lance," Allura said. "Keith, can you see?"

"I'm going up," Keith said, already heading out. "Skech, I want you to secure the rest of the Castle. Get someone to start firing those turret cannons. We need air cover. Find the pilots and tell them to scramble."


"The rest of you better get your asses in the air in approximately four minutes and forty seconds," Keith said.

"Wolo, they've locked on to me!" Chip screamed. "I can't get to them!"

"I'm coming, Chip," Wolo said, gunning his thrusters, but he feared that he was too far away to help.

Two Doom fighters were on Chip's tail and he wove between other fighters, trying to shake them. Then to his relief, they exploded.

"Thanks, Wol," he said.

"It wasn't me,' Wolo said, befuddled.

"You're welcome, Chip," Keith said and the Black Lion flew past them, heading straight for the heart of the battle.

"I've never been happier to see a lion in my life," Chip said with a short laugh.

Little by little, the Castle of Lions was coming back into the control of the Arusians. In Castle Control, sight was coming back to those blinded by the flash bomb. Vision still somewhat hazy, Allura walked up to Zarkon and Lotor who were sitting, taped to two chairs from the conference room. Coran was back and was seated at the command console, giving out orders to the laser cannon operators to fire at will.

"Well, looks like we win this round," she said smugly. "And every round after it."

"If you survive it in the sky," Lotor replied just as smugly. "Our ships outnumber yours.'

"Size doesn't matter, Lotor," Romelle mocked. "It's quality that counts."

"I can't blame you for your opinion after having seen your fiance," Lotor returned smoothly. "But tell me, Romelle, who was better--him or me?"

Romelle raised the blaster she still had and aimed it right between his eyes. He didn't even flinch and his smile was maddening. Hunk put a hand on her arm and after a second of hesitation, she lowered it. She stepped back just as Allura stepped forward. She took the blaster out of Romelle's hand and with the butt, hit him across the face.

"Remember who's got the upper hand, Lotor," she said acidly.

Zarkon sneered at her. "Don't get cocky, Little Princess. You'll live to regret it."

"At least I'll live. I can't say the same for you."

"Let's go, Allura," Lance said, pulling her away. He leaned in and made sure only she could hear him. "Don't show them how much they're affecting you. It's not going to help."

"Right," she said, taking a deep breath. "Did you go see Link?"

"She's fine. She was in my quarters when the Doomies came in and she was put in the rec room with a bunch of others."

"Good." She glanced at the raised access chute. "Let's go then. They need Voltron up there."

"We're down, Keith," Jeff said. "We've lost a hell of a lot more fighters than they have."

"We'll even out the odds," Keith said. "Are the other Vehicles alright?"

"Marvin took a bad hit, but he'll make it. He's got someone covering his tail."

"I hope this isn't a private party," Lance said.

"Feel free to join," Keith said. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry. Allura was busy cold-cocking Lotor. I had to hold her down."

"Shut up, Lance," Allura said. "We've got some work to do. Orders, Keith?"

"Just flank out and take out who you can. We have to protect the other fighters."

"Acknowledged," Allura said. "Good luck."

The Lions tore through the Drule fighters. As Keith said, they quickly evened out the odds. With the help of the Castle's laser cannons, victory seemed imminent.

Aboard the Drule flagship, Hazar was beginning to lose his cool.

"WITCH!" he yelled.

Hagar appeared in a flash of light, stroking her blue cat. "Yes, Hazar?"

"Do something about these Lions," he spat, with a wave of his arm. "Distract them. Destroy them. Just get them out of my sky."

"I have a Robeast that's perfect for the job."

"Do you have two? The Vehicle Voltron Force..."

"I only have one."

Hazar glared at her. "I knew you would screw up somehow. This is what happens when you leave things to that fool Zarkon. For your sake, it better be a powerful Robeast."

Hagar's yellow eyes flickered dangerously. "They always are. I will release the Robeast upon my return. I must first rescue some people."

"What..." Hazar demanded, jumping to his feet, but she was already gone.

To Chapter Ten
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