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Chapter Four

Ten minutes flew by like a second. Zarkon's forces were dwindling faster now that Lotor's troops had joined in. Another five minutes and the fighters were all gone. The Lions were still attacking the bigger ships, but they hadn't anticipated the amount of firepower they had. Zarkon had armed his carriers well, but not so well that the Lions could not get by them. The pilots' skill and the technology at their fingertips won over sheer power, but not without some damage.

"Back off, Keith...back off!" Lance yelled after the Black was hit by a hard shot. "You've got nothing now. Just walk away!"

"I've still got one laser cannon..."

"Jeff, tell him," Sven said.

"It's almost over, Keith. Go to the transports. If you break that Lion, Allura will have your hide."

Keith slammed a hand on his control panel. "FINE! But if you screw up..."

"There's one ship left. I think we can handle it," Hunk put in, his tone gentle. "Go on, Keith. Pidge..."

"I got him."

Keith removed his helmet as they neared the transports. None had sustained any serious damage, and although the passengers inside were shaken, they would be alright. With the Explorer and Lotor's troops, they were able to wipe the floor with Zarkon's troops. Although he didn't like Lotor, he had to admit that this time the Prince's word was better than his reputation.

"That's that," Pidge said as he watched the last ship explode. The Voltron teams had surrounded it quickly, destroying it in the blink of an eye. "I think I'm going to throw up now..."

Allura released the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding when she saw the first of the transports break through Arus' atmosphere. She sat back in her seat and leaned her head back, closing her eyes briefly. Weariness etched new lines in her face and she needed sleep badly. A new day was dawning and she hadn't slept since the night before. During the battle, adrenaline had kept her awake, but now that it was over, she didn't think she could even lift her hand anymore.

"Get some sleep, Princess," Coran said quietly. "We'll handle the rest."

"Keith and the others haven't slept either," she protested. "I'm not going to go to bed until they do." And not until I know that he's okay.

Coran looked as if he was going to say more, but to prove her point, Allura stood and resolutely made her way to the door. Lotor watched silently, his eyes taking everything in.

"You have nothing to prove, Princess," he said. "I'm sure the others would agree that you need your rest."

"Zip it, Lotor," she said without turning around. "Stay or go, but don't tell me what to do."

With her head held high, Allura walked out to meet the pilots and the Polluxians.

"What did we lose?" she asked Pidge who was walking rather unsteadily towards her.

"Most of the squadrons," he replied vaguely. "You're gonna have to ask someone to go over our files. I don't know."

"Pidge, go to bed," she said. "You look like hell."

"And I feel like it, too. Thanks, Princess."

She looked out across the field and saw Keith. He was sitting on the Black's paw, bandaging his cut.

"Why do I always come away with blood on me?" he asked her when she neared. "It's always me. Someone up there hates me."

"You're just delicate," she said dryly.

She took a piece of gauze from the first-aid kit he had at his feet and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. She tried not to look at him, but his eyes were magnetic. They were intense and full of pent up emotion that she could not deny sharing.

"Thanks," he said gruffly.

"No problem."

"About that talk we're supposed to have..."

He stopped speaking and they stared at each other silently. Although people were all around them, it was as if they were the only two people in the world. Allura cleared her throat and started to stand, but Keith took her hand in his. The touch was electric and she felt it all the way to her toes. He seemed to be feeling the same thing because his hold loosened somewhat, though he didn't let go.

"Not now, Keith," she said regretfully. "Not now."

He released her reluctantly. "Not now, but we'll have that talk, Allura. I promise you that," he said vehemently. Then he sighed and put a guiding hand on her back. "Let's go get this show on the road. We've got a lot of people to sort through."

It wasn't until one o'clock that afternoon, five hours later, that everyone had been given their permanent or temporary homes. After that, it was up to another shift of Arusian volunteers to help out. The weary pilots and Princess were finally given the chance to get some rest.

"I'm getting married," Lance informed them at breakfast the next day.

Although they had slept for more than fifteen hours, everyone still looked tired and red-eyed. They merely stared at him as if he'd lost his mind.

"You told us that already, Lance," Gwen said slowly as if she was speaking to Morgan. "Remember?"

"No, I mean soon," he said.

"You told us that, too," Allura pointed out. "But you know that it's impossible to put something together now. It'll take at least a week for the Polluxians to get settled in and comfortable. Nanny's running around like a chicken with its head cut off and if I tell her you want a wedding, she'll kill you."

"And she won't step back peacefully if you decide to go ahead," Coran pointed out. "She would think it a personal insult."

"Link's mother is perfectly happy to do it," Lance argued.

"You've told her already?" Pidge said, one eyebrow raised in disbelief. "I'm surprised you're still alive."

"Well, Link did," Lance said sheepishly. "She didn't tell me what happened, but when I went to their home a few days ago, they didn't kill me so I figure we have their blessing."

"From battles to veddings..." Sven muttered. "Ve are a strange group."

"Gotta go with the flow," Hunk said.

"Speaking of which, when are you getting married?" Lance asked Sven. He didn't dare ask his sister and Hunk.

"Ven Allura is vell enough to fly," Sven replied.

"Now I feel guilty," the Princess said with a small smile. She eyed her cane. "You know, I think I'm ready to get back up there. My cousin's been missing you, Sven, and I don't want you to waste away before she can get her hands on you."

"I can vouch for her," Bandor added.

"Eet's no rush. I tink too many people vill vant to keel me eef you get into an accident because you are not ready."

He glanced at Keith who glared back as best he could with a big white bandage on his forehead.

"She knows when she's ready," Keith said.

"I'm ready."

"Bye, Sven," Lance said with a chuckle. "Now about my wedding..."

"To think, I lived to see the day my brother would be married," Gwen said with a sorry shake of her head. "I knew life with you would never be boring."

"You're more excited than I expected you to be," Pidge said. "No reluctant groom here."

"Hey, I asked. Anyway, Princess, I'm going to have this wedding in the next month, whether Nanny will plan or not. I'm perfectly capable of planning a wedding, especially after this."

"Could you give me an exact date?"

"In exactly four weeks."

"If you can do it, the ballroom is yours." She leaned back in her seat. "And since you're a member of the illustrious Voltron Force, I can guarantee that important Alliance figures will want to be part of this event."

"Not only for looks, but for politics," Keith said.

"I thought that was the same thing," Pidge joked.

They laughed.

"Alright, guys," Lance said, throwing his napkin on the table. "You better get your dress uniforms and frilly things ready. I'm doing it."

To Chapter Five
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