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Chapter Six

The ballroom was packed, but the floor-to-ceiling windows gave the impression of space so that the guests didn't feel like sardines. The doors to the balcony were opened and there were people milling about outside as well. It seemed as if every dignitary and royal had attended the reception, and Lance gleefully whispered to Link that they would get great presents.

Allura mingled among the guests, still in her wedding attire. Nanny had begged her to change into her more formal robes, but she flatly refused, saying that she was proud to have been a bridesmaid. Keith joined her shortly after, and they made a handsome couple as he escorted her around the room

Even Lotor was there, being as charming as he could and winning all the admirers he wanted. The ladies began to circle him, believing that they had his total attention, but in reality, his mind was elsewhere. Ever so often, his eyes would dart outside, looking for something he knew he couldn't see.

Romelle had come for the wedding and although she knew she should be mingling like Allura, she couldn't tear herself away from Sven. They sat together at the head table, caught up in only each other.

The dinner bell rang and everyone took their seats. A fleet of servers entered the ballroom pushing carts filled with wonderful-smelling dishes. They stood by ready to remove the plate covers as Keith rose, tapping his glass with his butter knife.

"As one of Lance's groomsmen," he began, acknowledging Sven, "I was told that it was my duty to regale you all with stories of his daring escapades. Then I remembered this was Lance and without a doubt, most of you have probably already heard his daring escapades. And then some."

Keith glanced at his friend and Lance grinned. Link was laughing openly and she waved a hand at Keith, urging him to continue.

"When Lance met Link, everyone knew that he was--how can I put this delicately..."

"Obsessed," Sven supplied.

"Thank you," Keith said over the laughter. "That's the word I was looking for. Everyone knew he was obsessed with her. What we didn't expect was how hard he would fall. Link is a remarkable woman and if there's any woman in this universe who could tame Sir Lancelot, it's her.

"But I don't want to sell my friend short. Lance, Sven, and I have been friends for as long as I can remember and in those years, Lance has always stuck by us through thick and thin. He tagged along even when he wasn't supposed to when I was assigned to Arus." Keith went to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder. "Lance, I love you like my own brother. It is an honor and a privilege to be such an important part of your life. And I am thrilled that you now have this beautiful woman to share in that life. Your parents would have been so proud of you."

Lance patted Keith's hand, his eyes misting. Sven went to stand next to Keith and he raised his glass.

"Lance and Link, may your laughter, your lof, and your wine be plenty, thus yur happiness vill be noting less," he said. "Sláinte!" *

"Sláinte," the guests repeated.

Lance stood and embraced his friends.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Then, he turned to the guests, a small, but happy smile on his face. He reached down and took Link's hand in his own. "Many thanks to all of you. We're happy that you could share this day with us. Now, I realize many of you are hungry. I know being emotional makes me ravenous so...bon apetit!"

Outside, a shadow moved amongst the unsuspecting guards. Security had been stepped up as it usually was when important people got together. There were even infra-red sensors at the door, but it was to no avail. This was a power that was expected, and although they knew that all the technology in the universe couldn't stop it, they still tried.

Hagar clucked her tongue at the pitiful alarm sensors as she passed by. She didn't dare touch them, knowing how sensitive they were, but she was tempted. She walked right on past the multitude of guards patrolling the vicinity and into the ballroom. Dinner was being served and all were distracted by the wonderful scents wafting from the dishes in the middle of their tables.

Looking towards the head table, she spotted the Voltron Force and with an evil glint in her green eyes, she headed for it.

Allura had her fork poised to spear a lettuce leaf when a chill ran down her spine. Frowning in puzzlement, she looked up and around the room. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but she sensed that something was. Her blue eyes darted back and forth as she searched.

"What is it?" Gwen whispered, noticing Allura's distress.

"Something's off," Allura whispered back. "I don't know...I just got a feeling."

Gwen leaned back and caught Keith's eye. He stood and went to them.

"Allura thinks something is wrong," Gwen told him.

"What is it?" he asked the Princess worriedly.

"I don't know dammit," Allura said between clenched teeth. "But I do know that something is wrong. I can feel it in my bones."

She looked again and suddenly had the feeling that she was looking straight at someone.

Hagar stopped dead in her tracks. The Princess was looking straight at her, brow furrowed. But then her eyes drifted away again, though they kept on coming back to where Hagar still stood.

What a shame. I'll have to forgo the explosion, but they will all die just the same.

She raised a hand and chanted a few words under her breath.

"Don't tell Nanny, but I think the meat tastes a little funny," Pidge whispered to Hunk.

"I think I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one, Little Buddy," Hunk replied. "It's gummy, too."

Next to Hunk, Sven stared at his food. He hadn't gotten to the main course yet, but after hearing what his friends were talking about he began to eye the meat suspiciously. Next to him, Keith was about to put the food in his mouth, but Sven clamped a hand on his arm. Keith threw him a strange look.

"Stop," Sven said, then loudly repeated, "STOP!"

Everyone in the ballroom turned to look at him. Praying that he wasn't making a mistake, Sven stood.

"I'm afraid dat dere is someting wrong vid de food," he said as smoothly as he could. "Please do not take anoder bite. The servers will come out to pick up your plates."

The crowd murmured. Sven gathered his friends and told them what he suspected. Hunk and Pidge paled, having already eaten.

"Don't panic," Keith warned them. "These people are used to these scares, but we do not need chaos right now."

"I'll have the guards lock the kitchen and let no one out," Lance said, moving to go.

Sven put a hand on his shoulder. "No, you stay here. Eet ees your vedding. Ve'll take care of dis."

Suddenly, a scream ripped through the air. One of Senators had collapsed, breathing hard, his face pale. Then one by one, others began to fall.

"We need medteams in here," Keith ordered into his communicator.

"Lock de doors," Sven called out. "No one ees to leef unless dey are cleared."

Link and Lance stood, clutching each other.

"Did you eat anything?" he demanded.

Pale, she shook her head. Then before he could say another word, he collapsed in her arms.

*Author's note: Sláinte is pronounced 'slawn-cha', meaning Health! A common toast in Ireland, the equivalent to ‘Cheers’.
To Chapter Seven
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