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Chapter Five

"You can't give the Lions up," Lance said, walking behind Keith. "I know how much Allura means to you, but if Niloc has his hands on the Lions, he could destroy every planet in the Alliance within months."

Keith walked around Black Lion, making sure everything was in order as Hunk and a few of his crew fixed tow lines between the other Lions and the Black. Romelle and Coran were informing Galaxy Garrison of the situation while Gwen and Sven manned Castle Control.

"We can't let her die," Keith said, his forehead knitted. "Hunk and I have a failsafe anyway."

"Why didn't you think to inform the rest of us?" Lance demanded.

"It's not something you want passed around." Keith entered Black Lion and gestured for Lance to follow him. When they were safely inside and away from eavesdroppers, Keith said under his breath, "I had Hunk plant the Lions with bombs. We can detonate them from down here. Once Allura's safe, blow up the Lions."

"What about you?"

"I'll find a way out."

"Bull," Lance growled. "You're going to die with them."

"What happens, happens," Keith said tersely. "As long as Allura gets the care she needs." His expression faltered. "Did you see what he did to her? He can't get away with that and I'm not going stand by with her in his clutches. I already lost so much to him...." He pressed his lips together. "I don't want her to suffer anymore."

"She won't thanks to you."

They went back down to the docking bay and saw that the Lions were now attached. The crew had left, but Hunk was still standing there, making sure everything would stay secured. When he saw Keith, he went to him and grasped him in a big bear hug.

"I hope you know what you're doing," he said.

"I just want her safe."

"We know," Lance said. "But can't we just excute our other plan? You can stay on, no arguments."

"Can't risk it," Keith said. "Allura's life is in danger. I have to do this now. Let it be, Lance."

He pulled away from them and put his helmet on. He activated the microphone and speakers within it.

"Come in Castle Control," he said. "Can you read me?"

"Loud and clear," Gwen said. "Good luck, Keith."

Keith nodded at Hunk and Lance. He boarded Black Lion and waited until they were clear before starting the engines up. The Black rose in the air and headed slowly out of the docking bay. When it was far enough away from it, Keith pushed the throttle and it exploded from view, leaving only a trail of smoke in its wake.

Niloc loomed over the fallen Princess. Her body was twisted in an inhuman fashion and her breathing was shallow. He was sure he had cracked a few ribs and probably caused some internal bleeding. The only thing he was sorry about was that she had passed out before she could feel more pain.

"Strap her into a bed," he said to the soldiers standing nearby. "And give her some sedatives. Make her look as sickly as possible. Just to tug even harder at Keithie's heartstrings."

He brushed the blonde hair from her face. Despite the blisters and redness, Allura was still a beautiful woman.

Or maybe I'm just long overdue for some leave, Niloc mused.

The man once known as Colin Porterfield sauntered back to his command chair, leaving the Princess on the ground until the soldiers returned with a stretcher. Her eyelids fluttered and her hand twitched, but she didn't wake though her face was pinched from the pain. The soldiers came in and with no gentleness, placed Allura in the stretcher they had with them. Her eyes flew open and she screamed her agony. She could barely see, the pain making her vision hazy. Her blue eyes were unfocused as she fought to control her tears. She would not cry in front of Niloc. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"What d-did you do to me?" she managed to say.

"Just a little something my son will remember for the rest of his life," Niloc said. "I assume you're feeling a bit under the weather."

"You broke my back," she said, swallowing hard. I can't feel my legs, she thought. Riaru help me.

"Did I?" Niloc said brightening up. "And here I was hoping for just a few fractured ribs."

"I'm going to kill you," she spat.

"I'd love to see you try."

So would I.

Keith neared Niloc's flagship. He slowed Black Lion's approach as his computer beeped an incoming transmission.

"Nice to see you, Black Lion," came Niloc's smooth voice. "Enter through the open bay doors and I'll have a man take you up."

"How hospitable," Keith said sarcastically.

But he did as Niloc said. When Keith landed the Lions, he carefully pocketed the second detonator for the bombs onboard in case those on Arus were too slow in acting. After he took his helmet off, he stepped out and right into the line of fire of 3 blaster rifles. He raised his hands as Niloc's men made sure he didn't have any weapons on him. He silently prayed they wouldn't find the detonator, a flat rectangular instrument that would be easily identifiable. To his relief, they didn't. They said nothing. One walked before him while the other two only nudged him with the points of their rifles to make him walk before them. His hands still raised, he walked.

He was led through a maze of corridors until they finally reached a pair of blastproof doors. They slid open to reveal the ship's bridge. Keith walked through as Niloc stood and turned around. The older man opened his arms welcomingly, but Keith only had eyes for Allura. She gazed up at him, almost delirious with pain.

"Let her go," Keith said. "I'm here."

Niloc looked to his men and nodded. They began to wheel the Princess away, but Keith stood in their way.

"Can I have a word with her?" he asked.

Niloc guffawed. "So you can tell her your big plan? I don't think so."

"Father," He spat the word out with as much poison as he could, "I just want to say my goodbyes. You have my word that I'll keep it at that."

Niloc sighed. "Fine, fine. But you're staying right there." He signalled for his men to give them some privacy.

Keith leaned down so that he could speak quietly enough. She couldn't turn her head, but she looked at him with defeated eyes. He brushed her hair from her forehead, never taking his eyes from hers.

"You promised me you'd be there," he whispered. "I didn't think you were the promise breaking sort."

"Something came up," she said, choking up. "Thank you, Keith. For doing this."

"Don't you know, Allura?" he said with the familiar teasing smile that had become as familiar to her as her own face. "You're important to me." The smile faded to be replaced with a sad look. "And I think we'll be even on the broken promises."

Her eyes widened. "Don't you do it. Come back to me, Keith. I can't do this without you."

"You did it for eighteen years. I've only been around for two."

"And I can't go on without you. You can't miss someone you never met, but once you've met them...Keith please."

He kissed her forehead, lingering. She closed her eyes and he saw a tear slip through her eyelids. With a gentle finger, he brushed it away. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. She wanted to reach up to touch him, but any movement she made, no matter how small, made a zinging pain shoot through her entire body.

"If I can make it back to you, I will," he said. "That's a promise I intend to keep."

Niloc clapped his hands. "Ok, that's enough of that. Take her back."

Keith straightened and the soldiers wheeled Allura away. He didn't move until she was out of his sight. He bowed his head and struggled to control his turbulent emotions. He jumped when Niloc put a hand on his shoulder. Keith hurriedly moved out of his grasp in disgust.

"You do that again, and I'll break your hand," he hissed.

"Temper, temper," Niloc taunted. "You break my hand, I break yours. In a slower, more creative way."

"Go ahead. I've got nothing to lose."

"Oh, but you do. Your precious Arus."

Keith looked at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"With the Lions in my disposal, I can wreak havoc wherever I want," Niloc said. "One wrong look from you and Arus is dust. I did have an agreement with the Princess after all. I'm going to leave Arus alone...for now. In the meantime, someone wants to talk to you."

The viewscreen came to life and Zarkon's image filled it. He smiled victoriously when he saw Keith standing next to Niloc.

"Can I assume you have the Lions in your possession as well?" Zarkon asked.

"Yes, you may. Green Lion is damaged, but our mechanics will have it ready to launch in no time."

"Excellent work, Niloc. You've just added more ships to your fleet and you are now my highest ranking officer. Congratulations."

Niloc bowed while Keith sneered.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Niloc said.

"What do you have against Arus, Zarkon?" Keith asked thoughtfully. "Are you in love with Allura? Did her father insult you? Where is this constant need to plague it coming from?"

"Looks like we have a therapist in our midst, Colin," Zarkon said and as he guessed, the use of Niloc's real name unnerved the younger Porterfield. "If there's anyone who needs a good head shrinking, it's you, Commander. How does it feel to find your father on the other side after all these years?"

Keith eyed Niloc. "Nauseating, but not surprising."

"A lot of love lost between the two of you," Zarkon said to Niloc. "You may do what you like with him, General. You are cleared to return to Doom."

"Thank you, Sire. We'll be there by tomorrow."

The viewscreen went black. Niloc turned to Keith and smiled.

"Show him to his room," he said to the soldiers flanking the commander. "He's probably wondering what we did to the Princess to make her look that way. Let's show him."

To Chapter Six
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