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Chapter Eight

"Stay in formation, Team," Keith said. "We're going to do this cleanly and quickly."

"Squads Alpha and Gamma are in the air," Allura told him. "They're awaiting your orders, Keith."

"Alpha leader," Keith said. "Take the portside. Gamma leader, starboard is yours. We'll take the center and the mother ship. Gentlemen, do what you do best."

"Roger that, Lion leader," Alpha leader returned. "Don't get dead."

"We'll do our best. Black Lion out."

"You heard him, Boys," Lance said. "Let's kick some ass!"

The three teams formed an unbreakable line of defense as the Doom fleet neared. From Coran's count, there were nearly a thousand ships in Arusian airspace. Mostly fighters, but there were a few battleships in the mix. And in the center of it all was an enormous flagship they knew belonged to Lotor.

"Well, well, we meet at last, Commander Porterfield," Lotor said.

"Get off my frequency," Keith snarled.

"Only if you blow me to hell. Not before then."

"I think that was a challenge," Lance butted in. "Careful what you say, Princey. We just might indulge you."

"Ah, Lieutenant Branegan..."

"That's Lieutenant Commander Branegan, to you."

Keith cut off the transmission.

"Calm down, Lance."

"Just checking out the enemy, Keith."

The Doom ships neared and the Arusian forces slowed their ascent. Keith was at the head of the formation and he waited until the right time to call the charge. His eyes zeroed in on the flagship. Inside it, Lotor watched the Black Lion. He smiled.

"Attack," he said.

"Charge," Keith said flatly.

The first shots were fired by Alpha Team when Doom fighters entered their scanners. After that, it was chaos.

"Stay with me, Team," Keith said as calmly as he could. "Pidge, you're faltering. Stick close to Hunk."

They cut through the lines. Lance blew away three fighters, and he and Sven covered Keith as best he could. Their team leader had his hands full because he was at the lead. Pidge and Hunk took care of the rear, to make sure no one shot them in the back. Alpha and Gamma teams were holding their own, but they were losing as many fighters as they were destroying.

"Your men need help, Allura," Keith said.

"I know. Beta Team is getting ready for launch."

"Keith!" Pidge cried. "I'm reading a large energy buildup inside the flagship."

"Ro-Beast," Sven said.

"Lance! On your seven!" Keith yelled.

He fired at it just as Lance did. It blew up, its parts hitting Red Lion's hull.


"My pleasure."

"It's coming," Pidge said.

"Then, let's form Voltron," Keith said.

They flew above the battle and began the transformation sequence. Keith gave out the orders and like before, they followed and executed them perfectly. Voltron was formed, his yellow eyes glowing. He dived back down into the fray just as the Ro-Beast burst from the belly of the flagship. It was black and octopus-like with eight tentacles and one large eye. It flew up to meet the robot halfway.

"Spinning laser blades!" Keith cried.

The laser blades spun out in high speeds and sliced two tentacles off. The beast let out an ear-splitting roar and threw itself at Voltron before Keith could do anything about it. It wrapped its tentacles around Voltron tightly, preventing any limb movement.

"Can you try your ice rays, Sven?" Keith asked.

"I can try, Keit."

Two thin beams of ice shot out of Blue Lion and hit a tentacle, but it didn't let go. Sven tried to freeze it more, but it moved out of range. The tentacles began to squeeze harder until they could hear their hulls creak. Keith's mind worked as he thought of how they could get out of this. He was not familiar enough with what Voltron could do to completely understand what they were capable of. The job did not come with a manual.

"Keith..." a booming voice said.

Keith looked on the viewscreen, but there was no face on it. The voice he heard seemed to be coming in from everywhere. He looked behind him, but saw no one.

"Who's there?"

A shimmering image appeared right before his eyes of a bearded man with brown hair and a pair of blue eyes that seemed familiar to him. He felt a smidgen of fear as he realized he was looking at a ghost.


"Just listen to me, Keith." The image pointed at a set of controls that he hadn't touched. "Use those to activate the electroforce cross. It will save you from this beast."


"Just do it!" the man ordered.

Keith did as he was told as the image faded from his sight.

"Here goes nothing," he mumbled.

A glow of light burst from between Voltron and the Ro-Beast. It grew brighter as it pushed the Ro-Beast away from the robot. Keith took advantage of the situation.

"Let 'er rip, Team!"

From each of the Lions came a particular blast. Wind from the Green, fire from the Red, ice from the Blue, and a sandblast from the Yellow. The force from each caused the Ro-Beast to let go completely and they formed blazing sword. Before the beast could recover, it was cut cleanly in half.

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