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Chapter Three

Pidge had the program finished in less than three days. Allura began practicing with it the minute she received it. She fixed the watch in Castle Control so that she and Keith would have more off time. They scheduled their practices after dinner when everyone left to do their own thing. Keith was a loner to begin with so no one wondered where he was and they hardly ever saw Allura in the first place. The rest of the team didn't suspect a thing.

Allura was an easy learner. She seemed to have a gift that even Keith didn't possess. He didn't take to flying as easily as she did, but the second she held the yoke, it was like she already knew what she had to do. He explained the controls to her and she listened intently, soaking everything in. She didn't need to have them repeated after that.

A week after practicing with the simulator, Keith deemed the Princess ready to fly with the team in the Blue. He didn't want her to get too used to the sim because although it was a close approximation to being in the air, it wasn't the real thing. She was comfortable with the controls and with being in the pilot's seat. He wanted to see how she would act in the air.

Next to him, Allura adjusted the collar of her uniform. They made their way to the rec room where the others waited so that they could begin Lion practice. Keith hadn't told them of their late night practices, so they were in for a big surprise. She took a deep breath as they entered the room.

"We have a candidate for the pilot of Blue Lion," Keith announced with no introduction.

"Are you feeling alright?" Hunk asked, looking at him as if he'd gone crazy.

Allura put her hands on her hips and looked sideways at Keith. The second Hunk and Lance saw the way she was dressed when they entered, they put their helmets down and sat on the couches to await the explanation they knew was going to follow. Pidge sat back, a knowing smile on his face. He winked at Allura. She chuckled.

"You're kidding me right?" Lance said, scratching his head. "I mean, you can't be serious about this."

"I'm serious about this," Keith said. "And I'm feeling just great, Hunk. The Princess is going to fly the Blue for a month and in that time, I will make a decision to allow her to stay as part of the team or not."

"Zarkon can come at any time and she's not trained yet," Lance argued. "I'm sure they know that we're short one man. I'm surprised they haven't attacked yet."

"They're probably building a super Ro-Beast," Hunk added. "This isn't a good idea, Keith."

"We're still going to have the temp pilot here and Keith is going to fly with me so I won't be in there by myself," Allura said. "Until we have a permanent one, we are both going to fly the Blue. In fact, he's arriving today. I just want this chance. And if you don't like it...too bad. I'm going to do this. Keith and I have been practicing using a simulator and he thinks I'm ready. He knows what he's talking about."

Hunk and Lance exchange a look and shrugged.

"Team?" Keith said. "Comments?"

Lance stood and grabbed his helmet. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Hunk smiled at Allura. "Don't take it personally, Princess. We're just looking out for you. Good luck."

"Thanks, Hunk."

Pidge grinned and jogged after Hunk. Allura had to admit that she was relieved they didn't protest loudly about her joining. Keith turned.

"Well, let's get going. The first thing you have to practice is catching that t-bar."

Keith put the Blue Lion on auto-pilot and let go of the controls. He looked up at the anxiously waiting Princess who stood behind him. She rubbed her hands together as she took the pilot's seat. The others were practicing maneuvers nearby and watching the skies in case there was an attack.

"Ok, take it easy," he said calmly, though he felt far from it. "The more excited you get, the worst this is going to turn out."

"Can I take it off auto?"

"Not yet. I want you to familiarize yourself with the controls."

She nodded, and bit back her words. She already knew them, he'd drilled her during their sim practices, but if she argued with Keith, it lessened her chances. When she became pilot of the Blue, he was going to get an earful, but before then she would keep her mouth shut. She recited the weaponry and commands available from beginning to end and he listened, a satisfied look on his face.

"What about forming Voltron?" she asked when she was finished. "You never explained it to me."

He leaned forward, his arm brushing hers. The wide pilot seat did not leave much room for him to be able to show her the controls without getting into uncomfortable positions. Allura shifted in the seat to give him room. He had to stand near her to be able to point out the controls and she found herself strangely uncomfortable with his closeness.

"You pull back as far as you can and follow me as we climb. Then push this button. I'll take care of the rest."

"Sounds simple enough."

"Then try doing it during battle," Lance said over the comm link. "It's no walk in the park."

"A walk where?" Allura said.

"Nevermind," Keith said. "It's just not as easy as you think. How's it going out there, Lance?"

"Skies are clear, Commander Courageous. You're free to do whatever you like with the Blue, Princess."

"Careful," Keith said with a small smile. "I don't want to give her any ideas."

Lance laughed.

"Remember, Princess. The sky goes up and the ground goes--you know this one--down," he said with a lightly mocking tone, echoing her words to him when they had first flown the Lions.

"Thanks, Lance," she snorted and flicked the switch to cut the link.

Keith was nervous about letting her fly, but it was going to happen sometime. And it had to happen sooner rather than later. They had already used up enough time as it was.

"Team," he said. "I want you to be on standby. I'm letting her take the yoke."

"Alright, Keith," Hunk said.

"Ready?" he asked.

She sat straight up in her seat. "Ready."

"Take it off auto."

She pushed the button and the Lion seemed to pause in mid-air before beginning to plummet. Allura's eyes widened.

To Chapter Four
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