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Chapter Four

Romance and moonlight usually went hand-in-hand but in this case, Allura wished that someone would shoot the moon out of the sky. Prince Alderain seemed intent on regaling her with poetic speeches about how beautiful she looked in the moonlight, and she wasn't sure how much more she could take. She wanted to pull her hair out.

What's the matter with you, she chided herself frustratedly. Here you've got a handsome, rich Prince practically licking your feet and you want to go back to your room and sleep. You're sick...

Prince Alderain didn't seem aware that his companion was not happy to be there. Either he didn't want to see, or he was just stupid. Allura hoped it was the former.

"When I heard about your...episode with Niloc, I wished that I had sent my fleet to you," he said, shaking his head with regret. "Fortunately, that Voltron captain was around to save you."

"That Voltron captain is one of my closest friends," Allura said icily. "We're all lucky that he's around."

Alderain frowned. "I didn't see him earlier."

Allura could have kicked herself. "He's busy. Battle plans and all," she muttered. "So, Prince Alderain, how many ships does your fleet have?"

"Twenty. They're all in good order. Let's not talk business, Allura...may I call you Allura?"

Kinda late to be asking, Alderain. "I suppose."

He took her hand and she had to fight not to snatch it back. "I've been watching you for a long time now, ever since you unearthed Voltron," he confessed. "I admired you for your strength as well as your beauty. I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time."

"I'm flattered, Alderain," she said, uncomfortable.

"You're a woman that no man can ignore. I don't want to frighten you, but I would like to formally court you, Allura of Arus."

At that, Allura did snatch her hand back. Her blue eyes were wide with panic.

"Er...uh...Alderain, could we talk about this some other time?"

He stood. "I'm sorry if I was too forward, Princess..."

"No, no...I don't...I--I'm just not used to this sort of thing," she said quickly. "Look, it's been a long day for both of us and why don't we talk about this tomorrow."

He nodded, looking put out. "As you wish." His eyes were like molten silver as he gazed down at her. "Goodnight." Then before she could say a word, he leaned down and brushed his lips lightly against hers.

The move rendered her speechless which was why he made it back inside the castle with his hearing intact. Allura stared at the doorway he'd gone through, her mouth slightly open.

"What the hell was that?" she said to no one in particular.

"Looked like a kiss to me."

She had the blaster holstered at her ankle in her hand in the blink of an eye. Keith came out from behind a trellis, his hands up.

"It's just me," he said.

"Keith!" she exclaimed, not sure whether she wanted to shoot him or hug him. She was happy to see that he was looking better, though he needed to gain a little more weight. Then, her expression cooled as she recalled how they had parted.

"When did you get back?" she asked, her tone matching her face.

"Half an hour ago. Surprise!" he said dryly.

"How was your--break?"

"Good," he replied with a small smile. "Very good."

"I'm glad," she said sincerely, taking a deep breath. "But I'm even happier that you're back."

He looked at her with some surprise. "I thought you were angry with me."

"I was, but I understand you."

He looked amused. "Do you?"

She snorted. "Of course I do. Just as much as you understand me."

"That's real reassuring."

She didn't know how to take that, but another thought entered her head.

"You've been here all this time?" she questioned, annoyed.

"Yes, I have," he replied, having the grace to look guilty. "Prince Alderain seems like a nice guy."

"Yes, he does." She holstered her blaster and looked a little put-out.

He sat on the stone bench near her. "What are you going to do?" he inquired casually.

"I don't know," she replied, just as casual.

"Do you want him to court you? He's every Princess' dream--and Nanny's too."

She shook her head. "Not this Princess. I like things the way they are." Her eyes met his. "They're perfect the way they are."

"It's not a decision you have to make right away," he said evenly, though he wanted to tell her to go with her first impulse--whether for her good or his he didn't know.

"I can't deal with this now," she said.

"If he's the man for you, he'll wait."

"Will he?"

He stared at her, his dark eyes unreadable. "If he wants you, he will."

Allura studied his face. "I'll take your word for it."

"Trust me," he said with a smile that drooped slightly in the corners, but she didn't notice because of the lack of light.

This was the Keith she missed. The one she could talk to without hesitation and someone who could offer her the best advice in the universe. Like Lance, she saw the change in him. No one could come away from a situation like that with nothing, but she was relieved that they had made the right decision in leaving him alone. Keith could make things right. For himself or for them, he fixed things. She remembered hating him the first time she had seen him, wanting to throw him bodily out of the underground base, and realized with bemusement how completely different her feelings were for him now. Almost unconsciously, she reached out and grasped his hand.

Keith turned his hand over and twined their fingers together.



Prince Alderain silently hid behind the wall. He'd come back to apologize for his rash act, afraid that Allura would kick him out as soon as the sun rose, but had stopped in his tracks when he heard her talking to someone. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop--he'd been raised better--but his curiosity overpowered his upbringing and he lingered.

And it was a good thing that he had.

Talk had been swirling about Allura and her Voltron Captain ever since they had gone to Earth together. They had seemed close then and there was talk that they were lovers. But Alderain was certain it wasn't so. Though Allura may not have grown up in a traditional royal household, she was still royalty. He had a feeling that their relationship could change soon. He noticed the way they spoke and looked at each other. There was a bond there...

...but bonds could be broken.

Alderain was not a spiteful man, but he wanted Allura. He'd wanted her for a long time and he knew that her advisor had more sense than to let her get involved with a commoner. He knew he couldn't count on her sense of duty at least as far as he was concerned. She could barely spend another second with him and he honestly didn't know why. He was one of the most sought after bachelors in the galaxy.

The Prince sighed. He wasn't normally so vain, but the sudden competition for Allura's affections made him think too much. He turned away from the scene in the garden and headed for his chambers. Tomorrow was another day and he had a lot to do.

To Chapter Five
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