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The figure melted into the walls. With quiet, careful steps, it made its way down the corridors of the Castle of Lions. It was the dead of night but the lights were brighter than it liked, though they were dimmer than they were during the day. Still, it did the best it could to remain undetected. Fortunately, hardly anyone walked down these corridors at this time. They were all supposed to be in bed.

Except for the one it was expecting.

The figure reached its destination and with a graceful movement, walked right through the door.

Sven kissed Romelle goodnight and left her room. It had taken some doing, but he had finally gotten her and Bandor to stop talking and get some rest. They had a big day tomorrow. Castle Control was still alive with activity, but as much as he wanted to help, he was dead on his feet. He could hardly keep his eyes open. He swore to get at the most three hours sleep and then he would report for duty.

He keyed in the code to his room and the doors slid open silently. He entered and began to shed what he was wearing, leaving a trail of discarded clothes in his wake. With only his boxers on, he slid into bed, sighing happily as he felt the cool sheets against his back. He closed his eyes and drifted off.

The figure detached itself from the wall, emerging from the shadows. Sven stirred, his internal alarm going off. He opened one eye and took a quick look around the room.


He turned his back to the door and wrapped himself in his blanket, but he couldn't calm down enough to go back to sleep. Something was wrong. Carefully, his hand crept underneath his mattress where he always kept his blaster. Before he could take it out, he felt something drift overhead, a light wind stirring his hair. He looked up and saw a dark form descend upon him. He couldn't even make a sound.

Lance walked down the corridors, his head bowed as he studied what was on the data pad he held. It was late and his feet felt like lead, but he pressed on. He didn't have time to sleep. There was just too much to do. He hoped Keith had the Black on full throttle. His eyes skimmed the words and vaguely, he heard footsteps headed towards him. As they neared, he looked up to see who was coming, but was rudely nudged aside by a shoulder. His data pad cluttered to the floor.

"Hey!" he exclaimed. "Watch where you're going!"

He picked up the pad, grumbling to himself and looked at the retreating back. His eyes were blurred, but he swore that there was something familiar about the man.

"Sven?" he called.

The man didn't turn around. With a shrug, Lance went on his way, the incident forgotten as he went back to his reading. He had turned the corridor just as the man entered Castle Control.

"Sven," Coran greeted as the man entered. "What are you going here?"

"I couldn't sleep," Sven said, his voice flat and his countenance eerily blank. "I thought you could use some help."

The Legend Will Continue...

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