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Romelle entered the cell, where a still form laid on a bed, silent and seemingly dead. He was much worse off than the last and even Zarkon had enough mercy to give him some medical treatment, but only because he knew that this one would become useful in the future. The cell was no longer dark and dank, but had the equipment to keep him comfortable. He was hooked up to various machines to keep him alive and to monitor his vital signs. She was his makeshift nurse. Zarkon had learned of her visits to the other prisoner, and declared that since she enjoyed their company so much, she could stay with this one for the rest of his stay.

She stayed in the room with him and only left to get food, which she had now. She sat on a chair near his bed as she ate her sparse dinner, watching his handsome face twitch as he dreamed. His neck was broken after the fall he had taken. He had stepped on a land mine, one of the many placed outside the castle. However, it was healing well with some help from Hagar's magic as well as a few medical treatments. She brushed a black lock from his forehead, her stomach churning with feelings that she didn't understand. There was something about this man that touched her in ways that she couldn't even begin to fathom. Although he had yet to open his eyes to see her for the first time and open his mouth to speak to her, she felt a pull towards him.

Somehow, despite the way they had come together, she knew that this was fate. They were meant to meet. And he was going to be an important person in her life. She just knew it.

The Legend will continue...

To Flying the Blue
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