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Part Two

Allura struggled to ignore the wave of nausea that threatened to topple her from the platform she stood on. She looked at herself in the mirrors before her, refusing to acknowledge that the white frothy thing she had on was a dress. It resembled a fluffy white cloud or some sort of puffy Terran dessert rather than a dress.

"Looking at you is making me hungry," Gwen said with a sigh, confirming the Princess' suspicions.

"It looked nicer on the hanger," Romelle said without much conviction.

"Too bad I'm not hanger-shaped," Allura returned.

"The designer should have tried modeling it on real women rather than hangers," Link added. "Because you look like a snowball."

Allura nearly fell over as she stepped down from the platform. Romelle looked at her worriedly but didn't comment. She helped her cousin out of the dress and into a new one.

"Better be careful, Allura, or you might end up trying on every single dress in here," Gwen said, eyeing the growing pile of discarded dresses.

"I refuse to look like a snowball, a bell, or some anything else equally ludicrous on my wedding day, and if I have to, I'm afraid I might have to go through the entire store," Allura said bravely.

Romelle finished zipping her up and she got back on the platform, not turning around until she gauged the reactions of her bridesmaids.


Link winced. "If I were you, I wouldn't turn around."

"It's that hanger thing again," Gwen said with an apologetic smile.

Romelle pressed her lips tightly together before sighing. "Shit."

The other three women looked at her with surprise. The Senator was not usually given to uttering curses and Allura could just imagine the berating she would get from Coran for letting Romelle be influenced by her rather lax attitude towards such things. Lance had taught her enough Terran curse words to make Keith's ears turn red...which they did during one experimental day.

"That bad?" Allura said lightly.

"Ludicrous," Link said.

Bracing herself, Allura turned around and gasped. The three women behind her laughed.

"Why would someone want to inflict this thing on a woman?" she said, her voice strangled by the view before her. "It's like...a..some sort of..."

"Layer cake," Link said, thinking of her rumbling stomach. "I say we get out of here and design your dress ourselves. I skipped breakfast this morning to make time for this and we were in the other store for lunch."

"You're a Princess anyway," Gwen said with sudden insight. "What are you doing shopping? Couldn't they have brought you what they wanted?"

Allura chewed on her bottom lip, her cheeks suffused with color. "Er...uh..."

Link put an arm around her and grinned. "Aww...I think she just wanted to spend time with the girls."

Romelle chuckled and gave her cousin's cheek a quick peck. "That's cute, Allura. Well, now that you know what shopping is like..."

Allura sighed and pouted. "Back to the Castle. I'm sure Nanny's got some dress books or something."


Keith and Lance walked down the corridors, following the sound of female voices. Lance's eyebrows lips at the sound of his wife's laugh and his steps speeded up somewhat. Tucking away a smile, Keith matched his stride. They stopped outside the rec room, listening to Romelle lecture about the necessity of a long train. To their amusement, Sven threw in his two cents, agreeing with his fiancee whole-heartedly.

"It's more befitting your title," he said.

Lance let out a loud guffaw as he and Keith entered the room. Link visibly brightened at the sight of him, but didn't move from her seat next to Allura. Yet, the Princess was fairly certain that Link's attention wasn't on her anymore. The other woman's gray eyes were fixed unblinkingly on Lance, deepening to a darker shade as various thoughts entered her head. Lance caught her gaze and paused in mid-stride. Next to him, Keith rolled his eyes, and walked around him.

"Perpetual honeymoon," he muttered as he passed Sven. "So what's this about a train befitting a Princess?"

"Sven wants me to invest in a twenty-foot long train," Allura said, her tone dry. "I'm guessing it's this male hang-up with length..."

Keith's and Sven's eyes widened in shock. Lance blinked, breaking the gaze he held with his wife, only to stare in disbelief at Allura.

"And who told you about that?" he said.

Allura exchanged a wicked look with Gwen who only smiled angelically.

"My sister got to her, Keith," Lance said, sitting behind Link and putting an arm around her. "I'm sorry, Man. Get out while you still can."

"It's too late. We already paid for the tuxes and my head was held in place for half an hour yesterday when they were fitting me for my brand new crown."

Sven stared at him. "Crown? Please tell me you'll be walking around with a crown on your head."

"Please," Lance joined in, his brown eyes fairly dancing with laughter.

Keith pinned them with what they called his 'captain face'. "It's not a hat for godsakes."

"But on your handsome head, you could pull it off," Gwen added.

Trying not to laugh, Allura picked up the sketch in front of her. "Alright, alright. What do you think of this?"

Keith turned his head to look but before he could see the dress, Gwen grabbed his head and covered his eyes with her hands.

"OW! What are you trying to do to me!!" Keith protested.

"It's bad luck for you to see the dress," Gwen said. "Get out of the room now while we talk about this."

"But I'll feel left out," Keith said, partly joking, partly serious.

"I'll go with you," Sven said. "I've seen it anyway. Remember what I said about the train."

He escorted Keith out of the room but before the doors closed, they both heard Lance say, "No one needs a train that long. Allura, what Gwen told you about men and our hang-ups with length is a lie except when it comes to our Norwegian friend. I'm sorry, Romelle. Sven's tall to make up for..."

The doors closed before they could hear whatever it was Lance was saying. Sven bristled and started to turn around.

"That little..."

Keith grabbed his arm and yanked him down the corridor. "Don't goad him. You can get your revenge by holding him up whenever he wants to go home to Link. If that doesn't get to him, I don't know what will."

"Wanna flood his groundcar's engine?" Sven asked evilly.

"Why not," Keith said with an easy shrug.


Allura perched on a high stool, somberly watching Nanny finish stitching together her veil. Before Nanny got her hands on it, it was just plain white netting, but now it sparkled with tiny crystals, and Allura sighed as she looked at the sheer loveliness of it. Despite her prior hatred of dresses and fancy celebrations in general, she enjoyed the wedding preparations, enjoyed picking out her dress, the dishes, everything. Her eyes sparkled as she recalled the day before, spent with Keith and the chef, deciding on what they were going to eat for their wedding banquet.


Allura's mind drifted to dark nights when it was just the two of them nestled in her bed, his strong arms holding her tightly against him, and his soft lips brushing against her temple as he spoke of their dreams, their plans.

And other times when there was no talking...

Another sigh punctured the otherwise quiet environment but this one was dreamier than the last, and this time Nanny looked up, her nimble fingers stilling on her work.

"Vat is it, My Girl?" she asked gently, her hazel eyes twinkling knowingly. "You know, your muzzer was like you ven she was preparing to marry your fader. So serene and happy. I am glad dat you are marrying Keit."

"Are you?" Allura said, raising a disbelieving eyebrow.

"Yes. After spending..." Nanny cleared her throat. "After being in your bedroom unchaperoned..."

Allura laughed. "I know, Nanny. I know." Her smile was mocking. "It is his duty as a gentleman to marry me after compromising my virtue in such a way."

"Exactly." Nanny studied her bright eyes and smiling face. "But you are very happy wid him, yes?"

"Happier than I thought I could ever be," Allura answered gravely. "He's good for me, Nanny."

Her eyes bright with tears, Nanny cupped Allura's face in her hands. "Yes, he is. I am so happy dat I am here to see you like dis. Your parents vould haf lofed him, Allura. I know it."

Allura lowered her eyes, not wanting even her Nanny to see her own tears. "I know, Nanny."

Sniffling, Nanny kissed her forehead and went back to her sewing. Allura sat back and went back to watching her. Moments later, Nanny let out a small, triumphant cry and held up the veil. It caught the light, sparkling like a magical thing as it fluttered in her hands. Allura grinned, brushing the material lightly with her fingers.

"Ohhh...Nanny, it's beautiful."

"It vill look efen more beautiful on you." She sighed dreamily. "De dress dat you chose is magnificent. You vill be exquisite on your vedding day, Princess."

A tiny knot formed in Allura's gut and she smiled ruefully. After everything they'd been through, she could hardly believe that she was nervous about a ceremony that did not put her life in danger in any way, but she was. Clasping her hands together, she only nodded at Nanny, her lips pressed tightly together.

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