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Chapter Five

Lotor's personal shuttle was a sleek black tear-drop shaped ship. It was understated but hummed with immense power. Keith glimpsed a set of double-barrel XF-59--one of the more powerful laser cannons out there--and was impressed. They flew side-by-side, easily keeping pace with one another.

"May I ask you a personal question, Commander?" Lotor asked.

Keith frowned slightly behind his visor, but decide he should see where this was going. "You may."

"Was there ever anything between you and the Princess?"

"No, Your Highness," Keith answered, unable to hide the weariness in his voice. "Our relationship has been strictly platonic."

"She is a beautiful woman and from what I've seen, a spirited one as well. Can you honestly tell me that you're not, and have never been, attracted to her?"

"I'm a red-blooded male," Keith replied as casually as he could. "But I don't let my emotions run my life. She is a good friend."

"Between you and me, Commander," Lotor said. "I think Alderain is a poor match for her. He doesn't have the fire that she has inside her."

I agree, Keith thought, but said aloud, "She knows her own mind. She'll make the right choices."

"Everyone makes mistakes. I should know."

They neared Lotor's ship and Keith didn't have a chance to respond. The Prince bid him goodnight and Keith flew back to the castle, his brow furrowed. He'd been clumsy, allowing himself to be too relaxed before Lotor, but the moonlight joggled his brain. Now, in the cockpit of his Lion, he was more clearheaded. Lotor was definitely up to something.

I trust him about as far as I can throw him.

He was still deep in thought when he reentered the garden. Allura watched him approach expectantly, but her expression dropped when she caught the look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Lotor's up to something."

"What makes you say that? Other than your trusting him as far as you could throw him."

At that, Keith smiled. "I was thinking the same thing."

"I admit, he's not exactly the most upstanding of citizens, but he could honestly be trying to change his life."

"That's very open-minded of you. Alderain is a good influence."

Allura made a face. "Alderain...? I don't think so."

Keith arched an ebony eyebrow. "Lover's quarrel?"

"Hardly," Allura scoffed. "He overstepped his bounds."

"He only cares."

"Why are you standing up for him?"

"I'm not. I'm just trying to show you all sides."

She snorted. "As usual. Always the thinker. Can't you just be sympathetic for a change?"

He put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. Go ahead and vent."

She blinked, expecting an argument. "What?"

"Talk. We haven't talked like this for a while and I'm sorry for that. Like you told Lotor, I'm here for you. So talk."



"Surprise does that to me. What brings on this change?"

He shrugged. "There's no point in us being on bad terms. We have a lot of work to do and we work well together. With Lotor here, the last thing we need is a rift."

"Oh." Allura fought back a wave of annoyance at Keith's little speech. She cursed herself for thinking that he wanted to patch things up because she was just as important to him as he was to her--not because they had work to do.

"That's very thoughtful of you," she said calmly, though lacking in warmth.

He looked puzzled. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No. It's just me. I'm a little overwhelmed by everything that's happening and I'm tired."

"Oh." He sounded as hurt as she felt. Her words were a clear brush-off, but Keith held on to his temper and he stood, smiling tightly. "Don't let me keep you, Princess."



She brushed by him and Keith was almost afraid he'd catch frostbite. He sat back down, his chin in his hand. He rewound the conversation in his head, wondering what he said wrong.

It was then did he realize that the garden was beginning to lose its appeal.

"We have to send transport ships to Pollux," Keith said, tapping his finger impatiently on the edge of the maptable. "Having Lotor floating around Arus is making me nervous."

"It'll take half a day to travel to Pollux, another two or three days to get the Polluxians boarded--maybe more since they have to get everything, and I mean everything, together. Then another half day to get them here," Lance said, ticking off his fingers. "Sit tight, Keith, because Lotor is going to be here for a while."

"How many ships would we need?" Allura asked.

"A lot," Keith replied. "Approximately how many people are on Pollux, Lance?"

"At the last count, about fifty thousand."

Sven winced. "Dat's not a lot."

"It is when we're transporting them," Allura remarked. "That's about fifty ships then."

"Or more if we count their luggage," Lance pointed out.

"This time the Alliance is helping us out," Gwen said. "Hang on, Guys. Romelle's about to patch through."

Romelle's face filled one corner of the viewscreen. Her eyes immediately found Sven's and they smiled at each other briefly before going back to business.

"The Alliance is at your service," she said by way of greeting. "Just ask and it's yours."

"Transports for fifty thousand people and their baggage," Allura said.

She nodded brusquely. "I'll see what I can do. Each representative has pledged something or other to aid Pollux and I'm sure most of them have transports to spare. If you'll give me a moment..."

The screen faded to the emblem for the Alliance.

"She's certainly found her niche," Keith observed.

"I haf never seen her so happy," Sven said, a little forlornly.

"You will when she sees you again," Lance said, rolling his eyes, though a smile teased his lips.

"Don't worry, Sven," Allura soothed, a slight smile on her face. "I'm progressing by leaps and bounds--literally. I'll be able to fly the Blue in a month or so, then you can be with Romelle."

"No rush," Sven said. "I don't vant you to overexert yourself."

"Too late," Keith muttered. "This is Allura you're talking to, you know."

"Overexertion is her superhero name," Lance added.

There was a shout of laughter from everyone except Allura, who only rolled her eyes.

"Oh, that's real funny," she snorted. "Go do some work. We've got a situation on our hands, and you're standing around laughing at me."

"With you," Gwen clarified.

"I'm not laughing," Allura deadpanned.

Alderain entered the room then and immediately went to Allura's side. She gave him a brief glance, but said nothing. He sighed. The others exchanged interested looks. The room suddenly felt a little too crowded.

"Alright, alright," Keith said, stepping forward. "I know everyone's got something to do. The mayors of Voltronia and Delar are both asking for representatives to speak to, so I think..."

"I'll go," Sven volunteered. "I've heard rumors dat the mayor of Voltronia is tinking auf retiring."

"In the middle of the year?" Allura inquired disbelievingly.

"His daughter lost her husband several months ago," Keith said, not taking his eyes off the viewscreen which was flashing scenes from around Arus. "And she's about to have a child. The mayor and his wife are the only family she has left."

"How did her husband die?" Alderain asked.

"How do you think?" Lance scoffed. "I'll go with you, Sven. You might need back-up. I talked to Lotor afterall."

"Did you," Sven said indulgently. "Yes, Keit mentioned dat to me."

Lance threw Keith an accusing look, but the Commander only shrugged innocently.

"On second thought, I think I'll go to Voltronia, Sven," Keith said. "I know the Mayor well."

"Alright. Ve're auf to Delar den."

Keith could hear Lance asking Sven exactly what it was Keith mentioned to him. He snickered despite himself.

"What's so funny now?" Allura asked.

"Nothing," he replied.

"Actually, I think I'll go, Keith," Allura said. "You've done so much already, Keith. Consider today your day off."

"That's very thoughtful of you," Keith said, though he was frowning. "What brought this on?"

"I'm losing touch with the people," Allura said. "You've been taking over my duties while I was recuperating and although I appreciate it, I think I should get back to them now. With all this fiasco, what with the Pollux issue and now with Lotor, I've been taking care of interstellar problems rather than domestic ones."

"One person can only do so much," he protested.

"I'm going to make a go of it," she remarked dryly. "If you'd like, you can come along."

"May I, Princess?" Alderain asked.

"Actually, I need your help here, Alderain," Gwen interjected.

"With what?" he asked, puzzled.

If Gwen hadn't been trying to meddle, Keith would have laughed at the expression on her face. He could almost see the gears turning in her head. As it was, he was merely satisfied that she found herself with something of a problem. Alderain didn't seem aware that Gwen had something up her sleeve and he waited patiently for her to answer.

Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "With the new design for the power lines that you were describing to Hunk the other day."

"I already gave him the specs for those," Alderain replied.

"Oh," she said with a small voice. "Well..."

"Come on, Alderain," Keith said, his eyes laughing at Gwen. "We'd better head out."

To Chapter Six
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