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Lotor squirmed in his hospital bed. His arm ached and his head was pounding, but he told himself that the pain was worth it if he'd gotten what he was aiming for. Humans had a weakness for self-sacrificing individuals, and he hoped he gained some more of their trust with his little stunt even though he had only taken one of Haggar's potions to simulate his injuries. But judging by the look on Allura's face when she entered his room, he had gotten what he wanted.

"I spoke to the Senate on your behalf," she said without preamble. "I told them about your help earlier. They were surprised, but I think they're coming around."

Lotor pasted a weak smile on his face. "Thank you, Allura. I appreciate it."

She smiled hesitantly and patted his shoulder. "Rest well, Prince Lotor."

As she turned to leave the room, his smile turned evil.

"I will..." he murmured. "I will...

The Legend Will Continue...

To Truths: Part One
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