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The message appeared on every viewscreen in the Intergalactic Alliance at three in the morning, Arusian Eastern Standard Time.


Now that we have your attention, we’d like to introduce ourselves.  We are the Lotorians.  We serve only our master Lotor and we will exact his revenge on Arus and the Intergalactic Alliance.  You know by now that our technology is superior to yours and if your leaders are wise, they will do as we ask.


You are all aware of the forty pods we have deposited in strategic locations throughout Alliance space.  These pods carry within them powerful ro-beasts unlike you have ever experienced.  They will hatch in a month’s time if our demands are not met.  Your leaders will be receiving these demands within the hour.  As intelligent citizens of the Intergalactic Alliance, you will ensure that your governments will protect your interests.

To Chapter One
To Black Arus 2