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Chapter One

Keith paced the length of his room, thinking. It would be Allura's birthday in two days and he still didn't have a present for her. Even the mice had a present for her by this time. He just couldn't think of anything special enough to give her. He had talked himself into believing that he was not good enough for her, but time and frustration had pushed him enough to wish for something that he could give her that would express the way he felt.

He had never loved anyone as much as he loved her.

He believed that he loved her ever since she had walked down the staircase in the old Castle of Lions. His love only grew stronger as he got to know her better, the beautiful princess whose delicate beauty hid a strength that no one would have guessed at. She had a will made out of steel. He knew by the way that her sky blue eyes followed him and how she looked at him when she thought he wasn't looking, that she felt the same way, but they would never speak of their feelings for each other. There were too many things working against them and pain was not something either of them needed more of.

There was a knock on his chamber door, knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Come in," he called.

Lance appeared at the doorway, his trademark smirk on his face.

"Problems, Prince Valiant?" he drawled.

"What makes you say that?"

"We were supposed to meet at Castle Control five minutes ago," Lance replied. "You're late."

Keith glanced at the chronometer on his wall and sighed. Lance was right. He was late. They made their way through the corridors to the main control room. The rest of the team was there, including Koran, the Princess' advisor and the main thing standing in the way of a possible relationship growing between the Princess and himself. Keith nodded to him in greeting, receiving one in return.

"Sorry about that," Keith said, moving to stand next to the Princess. "I lost track of the time."

Allura raised one blonde eyebrow. "I have to wonder what you were doing. There aren't too many things that would distract you to that extent."

The others chuckled appreciatively.

"What were you doing, Keith?" Pidge asked, smirking. "Or do we really want to know?"

"Anything new going on, Koran?" Keith asked, ignoring the comment.

"I just wanted to make sure that everything is ready for tonight. Many important figures are coming to the Princess' birthday ball and I don't want anything to happen."

Lance rolled his eyes. "We can be sure that Lotor is planning something. That psycho can't resist giving the Princess his present personally."

Allura winced. The evil prince was the bane of her existance."We'll be on patrol," he reassured them. "No one is getting past our security."

"But you will enjoy the party all the same, right?" Allura said, frowning.

"Of course," Pidge exclaimed.

"As long as the food will hold out," Hunk put in.

"Naturally," Lance said dryly.

"Keith?" Allura asked. "I have a dance reserved for you."

He smiled. "I'll be there, Princess."

She clapped her hands delightedly. "Good. I can't have a decent party without you there."

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